A child.

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No more. He just couldn't take it. The bulling, discrimination, and violence.

He wasn't strong enough to protect himself. He wasn't smart enough to think a way out. Nor was he capable why he was considered an lower than an omega in his pack.

Sure he was a pup, not experienced nor ready to learn yet but he still tried. Tried to work hard for his older sister who was the pack leaders mate. Tried to help the elders get around more. And tried to be a great wolf but it wasn't enough.

In his human form it was amazing to walk around free of his doubts, although in the wolf form it was nothing more than a sheer reminder of shame and disappointment.

Maybe. Maybe his sisters past birthday he can make things right the wrongs that he did not know himself.

"Hey Shay. Shay. Shay!" A voice brought his attention.

"Oh hey Madana." He responded the pup. Looked up at one of the five betas of his sister. Madana she was years more experience than him in terms of strength. She indeed was someone not to mess with.

"Mike wants to talk to you." She demanded. With her teeth snarled at the pup. "Right it's time." Shay remembered it was today that the pack ceremony to announce his soon to be brother-in-wolf to be the pack leader.

The small pup compared to the dark brown wolf walked with sheep nature. To scared to face this mature beta in front of him.

As the two walked back to the home of the pack. Shay felt more nervous than ever. He was about to face his sisters mate. God at times he can call him a real animal. The pure presence of Mike was like a rush of fear instilled in the young pup.

"Hurry up! God I can see why everyone dislikes you!" Madana snarled behind to look at the pup.

Jumping in a fright, Shay shivered in fear. "S-Sorry." He hurried himself to match the pace with the older beta. "Kid, your lucky that Mike still acknowledges you otherwise, your ass would have been cast aside."

"Sorry Madana. I will do better I~" Shay's soft voice was cut off.

"Promise? That's all I fucking hear from you. 'I will do better I promise.' Maybe instead of being a poor excuse for a wolf then actually act like one." She growled in frustration.

"Oh hey she brought him." One of the other pack wolfs called out. "Really? Thought the kid would get lost. Welp better luck next time." Another voice chimes in.

"How did Cass end up with a disappointment of a brother?" This time everyone was to the side as Shay was keeping his head low. "H-Hi everyone." He greeted trying to light up his spirit and personal tension.

"I swear how low can he get." This time it was one of the other pups he known. For the longest time, they never gave him a chance to have fun or at least make friends.

"Shay!" Another voice came through but it wears someone he did recognize. "Cass?" He looked up to see a golden haired wolf looking down at him.

"Come. We need to talk." She said calmly giving Shay a bit of relief of the tension. Shay saw that the older beta did not follow him anymore but was waiting for him to go to his older sister.

"Git!" Madana snarled. Shay nodded. He's timid paws walked up to the cave within.

Soon as he entered he saw the look on his sisters face. He was confused. "Hey Shay. Listen when you talk to Mike just know I will always love you. No matter what. Okay?"

"Cass whats going on? What do you mean? Am I not going to be your brother anymore?!"

Her golden fur surround his black fur. "No, no matter what we will be siblings. It's just that I can say it's Mikes duty."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2018 ⏰

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