Hospitals and Honeysuckles

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Jack and I walked into the hospital to the front desk, I didn't know what to expect. Gladly this hospital is the one Gran went to anyway so they already have her records. The lady sitting at the desk was short and petite.

"Hi, I'm here for my Granny. Or for an update at least." I said to the lady. I clutched onto Jack's arm suddenly unsteady.

"Okay, what's your Grandmother's name sweety?" The lady spoke in a monotone voice and actually was very boring looking.

"Gwendoline Mathews." She nodded and went to the room behind her. 

"Your grandmother is in surgery right now. She had a blood clot in her brain. That is all I know. I will send the doctor to you once he is finished." The lady from the desk left as soon as she finished her sentence.

"Come on, lets go sit down." Jack was basically holding me up. I had almost fainted just now. "At least we know she's okay right now. All we can do is wait. Elena?" I looked up at him. I didn't have any tears left in me.

"Yes, Jack."

"She'll be okay. Keep your head up. Okay?" I shook my head up and down. Even though I didn't quite believe it myself. I don't understand why he has been so understanding.


"Yes, my love?"

"This might come off as a little bit rude, but don't take it like that. Why do you care?" I sat up and out of his grasp. "We just met today. I mean I'm surprised that you weren't the one to run away from the other." He chuckled silently.

" I don't know, I just feel like I can be myself around you. Yah know? Besides the boys, your really the only person I can do that with."

"Tell me something Jack." I shifted my wait so I sat closer to him, and put my head on his shoulder. "Do you believe in love at first sight?" I started to doze off, Jack put his arm around me and I cuddle into his chest and was falling asleep fast. It had been a stressful day so many emotions. "Huh?" I asked again, slightly slurring my words because of drowsiness. 

Jack whispered, "No, but I believe it happened." I was to far gone to contemplate what he said.


"Elena," Jack shook me awake. I opened my eyes. I could see out of the hallway window it was still dark outside. "The doctor called your name." I stood up way to fast and almost fell. Jack held on to me.

"I'm okay, I'm okay." I walked toward the doctor, I had a gut wrenching feeling that it wasn't good news crap. I knew my tears had definitely replenished from the day before. I looked ridiculous walking towards the doctor in the dress I had wore the day before. My makeup was smudge and there was mascara under my eyes. It was about to get worse I knew it.

"Ms. Mathews?" The doctor asked.

"That's me." I said. I already started to tear up.

"We regret to inform you that your grandmother has passed away on the operating table. We did all that we could. I'm sorry." The doctor said and patted me on the shoulders. He walked away, I bet he didn't want to see a heartbroken girl cry.

I melted to the ground, and bawled. I am alone in this world now. No one loves me. No one wants me. I don't have anybody to talk to everyday. Nobody to make coffee in the morning for anymore. I was alone.

Jack rushed over to me and joined me on the floor. He encapsulated me in his embrace. He was wiping the tears off slower then they were coming. "It's going to  be okay. Everything going to work itself out. I'm here. Everything is going to be okay as long as I'm here."

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