Bridget Fall

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Hey this is Bridget Fall, and I guess I am supposed to tell you my backstory. So here it is. I was born September 21 and live in Mistral with my mother, father and twin sister Ivy. My mother was Neopolitan and her father was the brother of Cinder. My father became a drunk and lost his job. We didn't have enough money so Neo had to steal things. She was caught and arrested when the two girls were about 6. Us twins lived with our father for about a year. In that year we were put through hard labor and were hit or abused when we did something wrong. It was very hard to please father so they were constantly beat. After time Ivy became very sick and had called the police for help when father was sleeping.We were immediately took away from our father. We went into foster care when we were 7. All of the wounds were treated, but me and Ivy had a hard time trusting people. When they were  8, Ruby Rose and Oscar Pine adopted us. We adjusted to our new parents about a year later. We found out we had a brother named Oliver Rose-Pine, whose nickname was Ollie.

Both of  us wanted to be huntresses, so about a year before we headed to Beacon Academy with Leanna Schnee, Ivy was kidnapped in the middle of the night by her father who wanted payback for calling the police. He took her before I could do anything. I woke up to the sound of rustling that night and was shocked to see her sister being kidnapped. I am heartbroken, but I still attended Beacon with my best friend Leanna Schnee.

Pretty depressing I know. Don't worry everything is fine even though I still miss my sister greatly. Now a new dawn approaches me and I can finally try to find her with new knowledge of fighting. Oh I got to go, landing strategies! Bye!

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