Chapter 1 - Your Worst Enemy, Sometimes Be Your Bestfriend.

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' Chapter 1 - Your Worst Enemy, Sometimes Be Your BestFriend. '

' If this was a whole real chapter this is the songs of the chapter.

All Of Me - John Legend

All Bad - Justin Bieber

Change Me - Justin Bieber

Human - Cristina Perry '

' A/n : Hey! It's Anna, I wrote like the best first chapter! But watt-pad deleted it :(

So.. I'll give u a summary. to let you know what happened to lead you up to chapter 2. Which I'm still no half way done with.

This is the story (Summary).

Jaime is the starter of the book, she was asked why she don't like Justin Bieber by her best-friend Hope. Jaime goes on her iPhone5s and looks up his name. Hope is of course, confused, But Jaime saw something that caught her eye. Justin Bieber was arrested. She gasped and Hope asked questions. Hope kept bugging her why she don't like the biebs, and she wanted the real reason. Jaime snapped, saying...

"I don't like justin bieber because he is a super bad influence for kids and teens. He's like a second lil Wayne. He smokes cigars, and drinks beer. Don't say he don't because I know he dose. Instagram photos, of him smoking. When he goes clubbing what dose he drink? Big Blue? Ya right, And I have a pet dinosaur. Tell me what's true. Oh and don't get me started with him being 19 and having a mansion in California while egging his neighbors, getting busted for weed in his house too. Also spray painting on everything he sees, while he's also here in Miami blocking of our streets, Drag racing in a rented yellow Lamborghini, getting pulled over and arrested while he's charged with a 2500$ fine because he was driving under the influence, arresting arrest, and and driving with a expired license. Don't believe me Hope? Look for your self." and she showed her the page that had all the information on her iPhone.

Hope was speechless, and shocked. Hope was quite and they when't to bed. Jaime did say sorry and Hope was okay about it. But Jaime wasn't, Jaime needed air. so she snuck out and ran in to a boy, little did she know it was Justin Bieber, He needed fresh air too. The paps found him a push Jaime causing her to fall and get hurt. Justin rushed to her and ran to a safe place, away from the paps. Jaime thanked him, and introduced her self, Justin said who he was took his shades off and broke down into tears, Jaime hugged him for comfort feeling bad. Jaime explained she knew what happened, all the hate, she told him she saw it on twitter before she left. Justin explained how he had no one and everyone hates him. Jaime was thinking to her self that he needed some one to support him. She also told him she didn't like him and that that could change if she really knew him like a real person. Justin knew what to do. Jamie felt light headed and fell justin tried to save her fall but she still got hurt. Justin carried her to the hospital, he was lightly singing Hold Tight, And she fell asleep.

-End Of Chapter 1 Summary-

Sorry guys. I'm sorry I didn't write the whole thing again but it took me from 10:30 am to 2:34 am, the next day..

Sorry. But enjoy the story.

Bye! -Anna Xoxo

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