[13] Little Whinging

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Little Whinging is a town in the English county of Surrey. Little Whinging is the home of Harry Potter, the Dursleys, and Arabella Figg. Dementors attacked Harry Potter and his cousin here in 1995.


This town is located in the county of Surrey, England, Great Britain.


Streets in this town include Wisteria Walk, Magnolia Crescent, Magnolia Road, and Privet Drive (where the Dursleys' house is located at No. 4).


Dursley family

Harry Potter (formerly)

Arabella Figg

Lisa Smith

Marge Dursley


•Whinging is another word for whining, an activity that Vernon and Dudley Dursley particularly enjoy.

•Since Rubeus Hagrid farewelled Harry Potter from London Paddington after taking him shopping in 1991 at Diagon Alley, Harry Potter most likely took a commuter rail service bound for Reading (the Muggle train company in 1991 was Network SouthEast). A few years later, at the beginning of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (film), Harry is seen at Surbiton station on the suburban rail lines from Waterloo to Hampton Court, Woking and Guildford. From these two facts, it can be inferred that Little Whinging is in the northern part of Surrey, somewhere between these two railways, perhaps around Staines.

•In the films, Little Whinging was filmed in Martins Heron in Berkshire, which is served by suburban rail on the London Waterloo - Reading route (not the route from Paddington).

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