Chapter Five

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 “Dinner’s ready.” Logan hollered from downstairs. I slammed my Chemistry textbook shut and ran downstairs. When I entered the kitchen I was greeted by the aroma of Logan’s homemade pizza, chicken wings and cheese sticks. It smelled heavenly. Kale was already in the kitchen, setting up the table. I sat in my regular seat and waited for my brothers to sit.

When they finally sat down, we all piled our plates with food immediately. It’s safe to say that it tastes even more amazing than it smells.

“Is it alright if I sleep over at Brian’s house on Friday and Saturday?” Kale said trying to make some conversation. “We’re working on an experiment for psychology.”

“What’s the experiment??” Logan asked.

 “Sleep psychology. We’re going to experience firsthand, how the mind works with no sleep for 24 straight hours.” Kale explained. “So can I go?”

“I’m alright with it.” Logan smiled. “But ask you sister.”

“Why me?” I asked confused. Logan is the one who is in charge of us. Why do I have a say in it?

“Kat I’m working nights on Friday and Saturday. You’ll be home alone for the whole night. Are you going to be okay with that?”

The thought of being home alone on Friday and Saturday night made me want to piss my pants. But Kale needs to do his experiment for his class. Plus, it’s been a while since my brother and Brian had chilled since they were both busy. “Yeah of course I’ll be fine.”

“Are you sure?” Kale asked. “I don’t have to go-“

“Kale I’m 16, not 6. I can handle being by myself for two nights.” I assured him and took a bite of my pizza. “Besides, I’ll ask Sophie if she can sleepover.”

“Okay, if you are sure.”

“I am.”

“Then I’m going.” Kale confirmed. When we finished eating Kale went upstairs, claiming he had homework to do. But I think that’s his excuse for not helping clean up the kitchen. I stayed with Logan and helped out. I soaped all the greasy, messy dishes and Logan rinsed them and placed the carefully on the dish rack.

“Kat we need to talk.” He said seriously. He didn’t’ stop rinsing the soapy dishes though.

“About what?” I said slowly, thinking about all the things I’ve done that could possibly get me in trouble. But none came to mind. And that made me panic a bit more.

 “Kat, you’re failing Chemistry.” I stopped soaping and faced Logan. I was failing chemistry? I knew I wasn’t doing great in that class but I didn’t know I was doing terrible. I thought I had at least a 60%; guess I was wrong.

“I’ll try harder.” I promised. My grades are actually really important to me. I know I need to stay more focused on Chemistry and that is what I will do; starting next week.

 Hey, I said my grades were important to me. I didn’t say that I don’t procrastinate on everything.

“Good. Mr. Jorge said if your grade doesn’t boost up to at least a 60% then he’ll have to get a student to tutor you.”

“I hate student tutors. They’re so rude and they don’t even help. They just do it to get their community hours.” I commented.

“So get your grade up okay?” I nodded. After we finished washing the dishes, I went up to my room to finish the rest of my Chemistry 

I flipped the light switch of my room and waited a second for the light to flood the room. I plopped onto my bed, landing on my stomach. With a sigh, I cracked opened the colourful chemistry textbook and started getting the answers for this 6 page, double sided booklet.

The DuetOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora