Chapter Fourteen

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“Starting next week you and your partner will begin practicing your duet performance.”

It was the last week of April and we had about a month and a half to prepare our duet. This week’s bonding assignment requires us to perform another duet in front of the other duet partners and Mr. Elliot. And he expects us to write a 10 sentence paragraph on our partner and how things have changed since we started this project.

Things between Austin and I have changed drastically these past four weeks. Pissing each other off and having multiple arguments in a day seems like a distant memory now. We still argue sometimes but not over stupid little things. We can have an actual conversation. We are capable of being in the same room without strangling one another. It’s shocking how much can change between two people who hated each other’s guts. And all because of a duet.

“I started conferencing with some partner yesterday and I got through most. Today I will conference with the 3 remaining pairs.” Mr. Elliot said. “Austin and Kat I will conference with you now. The rest of you may begin planning your duet”

Everyone broke off into their pairs and searched a place in the music room to start planning. Austin and I followed Mr. Elliot into his office that was connected to the music room. It wasn’t a big office. It was pretty small to be considered an office but we all managed to fit in. We sat at the front of the brown oak desk and Mr. Elliot in his black comfy desk chair facing us.

“Kale told me what happened,” Mr. Elliot’s words directed at me. “Are you okay now?”

I nodded and gave him a small smile.

“Good. So tell me what has happened between you two this past month.”

Austin and I exchanged confused looks, not knowing what to say. Well there wasn’t much to say about it. We’re not at each other’s throats anymore so this project is working out I guess.

“Okay, let me rephrase that. What is different about your connection since I assigned this project?”

Austin was the first to answer.

“Firstly, we now know we have a connection. And I think we always did but we always fought and hated each other so much that we never realized it.”

Mr. Elliot raised an eyebrow. “And why do you say that?”

“Once we actually took the time to sit and get to know each other, it became easier to work and do those weekly bonding assignments.”

Mr. Elliot had a satisfied expression. He nodded at Austin’s response and turned to me.

“Care to elaborate Kat? Do you agree with Austin?”

“Uhm I do agree.” I said. “Even though we didn’t realize it right away, I think we always had a connection. Or at least some kind of quality that makes us gets along with each other well if we tried.”

“Okay and why do you say that?” Mr. Elliot asked.

“Like you said before not everyone has that connection. Some people have to develop it and it could take a while; a while as in more than four weeks. I think Austin and I have always had that connection. I guess we just needed something like this duet for us to realize it.” I responded suddenly feeling shy.

Mr. Elliot nodded with an impressed expression.

“I believe this duet is going better than Mr. Rawry, Mr.Jorge and I had expected.” He smiled and stood up from his chair. “You two may leave and start planning your duet. Continue the beautiful work.”

I was the first to get up and leave his office, followed by Austin. There was a vacant practice room since most partners decided to plan out in the hallway or in the connecting classroom where we do theory work and music history. We went into the vacant room.

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