The Plan

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At breakfast the next morning, Vince, Greg and Draco discussed strategies for asking girls to the Yule Ball. Draco was of the mind that they should just grab the erumpent by the horn and ask them directly, but Greg was less inclined to do so. When they told Draco who they had intended to ask, Draco shook his head, "You're too late Vince, Yurika's already got a date."

Vince's shoulders sagged, "Shit. Who?"

Draco glowered, "Some Ravenclaw pleb. Michael Corner, I think. Have you got a back-up?"

Vince shrugged, "Tracey Davis, maybe?"

Draco nodded, "I think she's still available, although I'd be quick if I were you. Here's your chance now, mate."

Draco nodded to a tall blonde girl who walked passed them in the direction of the Entrance Hall. She was busy rummaging through her school bag and to Vince's relief she was on her own. He got to his feet so abruptly he knocked the Slytherin table back a few inches, causing the contents of several goblets to spill all over the table.

Draco patted him on the arm and urged him on, "Go! Before someone else beats you to it!"

Vince stumbled over his robes to chase after Tracey, his face set in a deep frown of determination. Greg watched him leave the Great Hall with mixed feelings, but he wasn't given much of an opportunity to linger on his inexplicable feelings of apprehension as Draco rounded on him next, "So, Zoe Accrington. When are you going to ask her?"

Greg grimaced, "I dunno. I don't see the point in asking, it's not like she'll say yes."

Draco looked incredulous, "Don't be such a wuss! You've got plenty to offer Greg – you're a big strapping bloke with a respectable name and a decent bit of money behind you, what woman could resist? Besides, what's the worst that could happen? She says no and we just tell everyone that she's riddled with scrofungulus."

Greg snorted into his pumpkin juice and Draco winked at him reassuringly, "If you're nervous about asking her directly, I have an idea of how you can do it more subtly."

Draco's eyes followed Zoe as she and a couple of friends left the Great Hall in the direction of their first class of the morning. He pulled Greg by the sleeve and dragged him along, whispering furiously his ingenious plan to secure him a date. They paused as they saw Zoe come to a stop outside of McGonagall's Transfiguration class, both boys lingering near the end of the corridor careful not to be seen. They were already late for Snape's Potions class, but Draco wasn't worried about the ramifications, he knew Snape would give him a pass. Draco pulled out his wand and turned to Greg, "Okay. You start walking passed all casual like, I'll tear her bag open, then you help her pick up her stuff and repeat what I told you to say. Got it?"

"Got it," grunted Greg, nervously flattening his robes.

"Remember to smile," Draco added. Greg grinned so broadly he looked as though he were in pain. Draco grimaced, "On second thoughts, drop the smile."

Greg's smile fell and he frowned. Draco gave him an encouraging pat on the shoulder, "You're going to nail this mate, and remember I've got your back. Off you go."

Greg let out a shaky sigh and took his first nervous step towards Zoe, his legs suddenly feeling like they were under the effects of a jelly-leg jinx. He was hyperaware of how awkward his arms and legs looked as he walked forward, trying and failing to walk casually and breathe at the same time, but he pushed himself in the direction of the pretty brunette he was going to ask to the Ball. As he approached, Zoe's bag miraculously tore open, spilling its contents all over the floor. She grimaced and bent over to pick up her things from the floor looking embarrassed.

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