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YanChan added IDontLoveHimBaka (Osana) to the chat
YanChan added Cooking4Life (Amai) to the chat
YanChan added ImBetterThanEveryone (Kizana) to the chat
YanChan added LilEmo (Oka) to the chat
YanChan added Sporting (Asu) to the chat
YanChan added DontMessWithMe (Osoro) to the chat
YanChan added SisterOfSenpai (Hanako) to the chat
YanChan added MegamiS (Megami) to the chat
YanChan added ClearlyBestGirl (Monika) to the chat
YanChan added OtherYandere (Yuri) to the chat
YanChan added Breakfast (Sayori) to the chat
YanChan added Cupcakes:3 (Natsuki) to the chat

YanChan: Your all probably wondering why I made this.
IDontLoveHimBaka: No not really
YanChan: Besides Osana. I made this so I can have my old senpai rivals and doki doki friends plus I feel like some of you guys would be friends.
Cooking4Life: Umm ok..
ClearlyBestGirl: I knew this would happen. I just thought it would be by someone like Sayori, Natsuki, or Hanako.
YanChan: Wow you guys don't believe me when I say I can be like this.
Cupcakes:3: B-but Monika I-I-its not like I would start it or anything.
ImBetterThanEveryone: I wonder who that sounds like. *cough* Osana *Cough*
OtherYandere: I'm surprised Natsuki gets to point of this chat because she reads manga.
Breakfast: wow Yuri of course Natsuki gets the point of it it's simple.
LilEmo: *airhorn*
Sporting: need some ice for that burn Natsuki?
SisterOfSenpai: I don't get why people are being mean to natsuki what did she did.
Cupcakes:3: thanks at least one persons on my side.
Breakfast: I am too natsuki.
Cupcakes:3: ok ok.
MegamiS: um I'm just not going to get involved in this.
ClearlyBestGirl: Thats the best choice. I've gotten involved in one it's bad. So everyone should stay out of it.

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