i am not

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I'm taught that "I am" is the best you can be

and the worst is "I am not".

When I fit in the puzzle, they celebrate my win

so here are the failed versions they forgot.


I am not the one to pitch.

I won't be the one to fail the catch

and be the reason we lose the match.


I am not the one to lead.

Drowning in the distraction pour

so that I can be ignored.


I am not the one to perform.

I won't work like a lifeless tool

to fix the stage and feel like a fool.


I am not the one to calculate.

Nervously type an eight, not a four,

brave the blame for our poor score.


I am not the one to speak.

Be burned by your confident lie,

be plastered with a "Good try!"


In this fire those are small embers,

but here's the stuff I'll always remember...


I am certainly not the one to present.

Frozen face with torment,

shaking hands with lament,

causing a dent

that's permanent

in my self-esteem.

All cause' you had a dream it would make me confident

and you were wrong.


And I am definitely not the one to raise

like a dog on command for your praise

slice the air and graze,

say the right phrase,

just to amaze

you and this class.

In all honesty, I'll pass this meaningless policy

because I am not the one.

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