Part 3

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Part Three:

Diary entry two continued,

So, here’s how the scene went down:

“Personally, I like bears better,” the gorgeous blond behind the counter with the ‘drop your knickers’ blue eyes responded.

I turned, startled at the smooth deep voice coming from in front of me, and then pondered the idea of a bear verses cat, curiously before responding, all the while, trying to ignore the rapid beating of my heart, and the fact that the little feathered beast had scared me to death. “Do bears eat rabid birds?”

The man raised an eyebrow, cocking his head to the side as he examined my face. “Rabid?”

I nodded. “That was like a horror movie, with the ruffling feathers and the rising, and all the loud squawking,” I pointed after the hawk. “Sweet Jesus, I’ll be surprised if I don’t have nightmares for a month. Haven’t you ever seen the movie Birds?” I paused. “Was he yours?” I asked as an after thought.

The blond god shook his head and bit his lip as if warding off a smile. “He doesn’t belong to anyone.”

I placed my hand over my heart, rubbing absently. “You better call pest control,” I supplied seriously.

He gave me an amused look. “You mean animal control?”

“Well, he seemed more like a pest than an animal. That thing strolled over to me and stared at me like I owed it an explanation for poking him. Just like a human in bird form if that was possible. It wasn’t my fault he looked stuffed!” I pounded my free hand on the counter for emphasis. “Dear Lord…” I trailed off, still trying to calm my fast beating heart.

“What are you doing here?” he asked as he leaned forward, putting his elbows on the bar.

Having someone size you up was always uncomfortable.

I raised an eyebrow, regarding the blond, “Do I not have a right to be here?”

He shrugged nonchalantly and reached down for a dishrag, wiping the top of the bar, “Just curious.”

“Well, if you must know I’m following the living dead.”

He paused in his task, tensing slightly. “Ah, what?”

As I’ve stated before the filter between my mouth and brain is faulty.

“Living dead, meaning they should be six feet under, but he’s alive, walking, and shooting people with these-these…things. There’s this guy here, he was born in the 1900’s and he’s like still alive and-um,” at this point I finally realized what the hell I was saying, it probably had something to do with how quite it got around me, and managed to suavely cover it up.  “Never mind. I was just kidding,” I chuckled and twirled my hair around my finger. “Really, that’s not what I meant,” I added, then swiftly pulled out my newly changed drivers’ license that officially stated I was of legal age. “I just turned twenty-one. I heard this was a nice place.”

He gave her a startled look. “Nice?” He cleared his throat, clearly covering up a laugh, then licked his bottom lip, but not before shifting his eyes to the guy on the other side, not the guy with the spider web tattoo, who’d informed her it was a hawk that copped the ‘tude with her, but the one that hadn’t spoken yet. It was like he was asking permission.

Hmm, he must be the boss man, night off and all.

“Then let me get you a shot.”

I stupidly panicked of course, because I couldn’t respond like a normal person, which would be to easy. I suppose it was a reasonable response though, after all, the guy I was following did shoot people those times I’d seen him.

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