Part 5

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Part 05:

Entry 3 –The rest of the night

I’ve just found something out, something I wouldn’t have ever guessed, and I’ll forever be in love with these warriors of the night, these silent heroes. I’m sure you’re wondering what I’m spewing about, well, here’s how the rest of the night went:


The deep hypnotic male voice startled me out of my mouthgasm. The intense pleasure of eating the juiciest, perfectly rare, steak with Cajun seasoning was not enough to distract from that sinfully sexy voice. 

I looked up to see my target hovering over me. I quickly went back to my meal, trying to be as casual as possible as I popped another piece of the succulent steak into my mouth. Chewing, I glanced back up, and spoke around the piece of meat in my mouth.

Hey, I never said I had manners.

“I know what you are,” I managed.

He raised an eyebrow. “I doubt it.”

“You’re a warrior of love and justice. Like Sailor Moon, only you know, you should’ve been dead years ago,” I paused and swallowed. “How right am I?”

I watched as he glanced back towards the man that looked like a blue Goth god and then turned back towards me. The thought suddenly struck me as I watched the exchange and I couldn’t help but let it out. “Or you’re a hit man, possibly with the mob since you keep glancing back at that blue god fellow. He must be the boss.”

“You’re incredibly observant for a human,” he mumbled.

I frowned, wondering if he realized what he’d said. “Just because I’m human, doesn’t mean I’m stupid.”

He shook his head, holding a hand up as if to ward off the comment. “That’s not what I meant.”

“Well, it sure sounded like it. So what if I don’t look like a goddess or have powers that could, like, you know, turn you into a frog,” I scolded him.

The puzzled look on his face was almost worth taking his insult. “Ah, what?”

“And you think I’m the stupid one for being human. Lordy,” I sighed heavily before taking another bite.

Now he seemed to get a little irritated. “I didn’t say that. You know if you really did think this and it was true, shouldn’t you be afraid?”

I shrugged, not having to think about it long. “Why would I be afraid of you? You save the world every day. You’re like, a freaking super hero. In my mind, if what I think you are is correct, you are that silent warrior that fights for love and justice,” I raised an eyebrow as he rolled his eyes over the Sailor Moon line, “and no one is supposed to know, so you go every night without thanks. So, you know,” I paused to shrug once again, trying to let this unbelievable moment sink in, thinking the more he let me talk the more right I was, “thank you for everything you do. If I’m right, and your silence is telling me that I am, you’re my hero,” I smiled happily at him.

It seemed to take him a while to register what I’d said, but as it sunk, in the corner of his mouth slowly lifted with each passing second, before he glanced over at the man beside him, the one he’d previous called Ash. “That was surprisingly pleasant.”

Ash was curiously watching my face as if he was studying me, or waiting for me to jump out, and say I had just been kidding. “Not every day we get a thank you. It’s appreciated,” he nodded.

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