Chapter 28

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Shawn is running in and screaming all we can hear is "ARE YOU OKAY OH MY GOD"

I go over to see what's wrong and I see a surf board floating in the ocean and a girl come up with bruises and cuts.

She looks like shes going to die.

I call 911, and Shawn helps her out of the ocean.

I go up to her to ask what her name is.

I realize it's jess.

My best friend.

we'll my ex best friend. We haven't seen each other in a few years.

"JESS" I scream

"MADDIE" she yells back

"What is going on?" Shawn asks

"She's my old best friend" I say

911 shows up and takes her

"I'll go with her" Shawn says

"Ok" we all reply

**** after the beach @ the Hotel ****

"She's so pretty, and nice and oh my god" Shawn says

"In love much?" I say

"Maybe just a little" he says

"Wow" I say

"Hehe" he responds

We all go to sleep after a day at the beach and then the next morning we go to the hospital to find jess.

she's looking better and ready to go home, Shawn offers here to come back to the hotel with us, she says yes.

they start talking and before we know it there dating. of course they are.

**a few hours after they start dating**

"I knew I would date him now he's all mine and I'm going to turn him against you bitch as well as all the boys" Jess says

i leave and run into the hallway crying.

I'm Scared that it will happen.

I run to my room to cut. and hoping Taylor isn't in there.

I run into Hayes in the hallway, he grabs me and asks me what's wrong.

"Nn.noo.nnn.nothing" I say

"Maddie what the hell is wrong" he says

"Jess" I whisper

then as I'm crying in Hayes' arms nash, Taylor, cam & jacob all come around the corner..

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