Chapter 35

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it's a phone call from Bart telling us we have to go to magcon Washington, D.C. Tmr @ 7 am. I have flown so much UGHHH.

we all wake up bright and early and board the plane. It wasn't a long plane ride thank god. and I got to cuddle with Taylor the whole time but it's still stressful.

We got the hotel at 9 am and our rooms surprised me.

Of course we can't pick our rooms.

There's 6 rooms so it's 2 people per room. and it was just weird

Carter and Aaron got a room together.
Shawn and Nash got a room together
Jack j and cam got a room together
Jack g and Matt got a room together
Hayes and I got a room together
Taylor and Jacob got a room together

Like what the fuck. the jacks aren't together
Hayes and Nash aren't together
Matt and cam aren't together
there always together and me and Taylor are always together.

Now I'm with Hayes, I guess it's nice but I don't know how I feel about it

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