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Hyungwon pov~

I know that's I'm going to cry in front of Mina.
Because I'm so weak and I felt the pain when
she said that I'm servant son and treat me like
a bastard. I wish I could tell back or fight her.
But I can't.

" Kim Mina, stop fighting with fucking words
to my precious or I'll give you some lessons,Whether
you 're girl or not, I 'll not care"

As I heard my bestfriend words I turned
and rushed to him, Changkyun. Mina
can't say any words because she afraid
Changkyun, the bad boy of the Seoul University.
It is not only her, everyone on this University
scare Changkyun, but not me ! I'm not
scare my bestfriend a little.

And Wonho,too.
Because he is equally bad like Changkyun.
Changkyun is just physically rough but
he had soft heart. For Wonho, I don't know,
I can't guess Wonho.

" Hey! Don't even think about crying or
I'll kill her "

" N....No, I'm not crying....and don't do that!
That's bad, Changkyun ."

" I don't care~ "

Changkyun rolled his eyes and say carelessly.
But, that's true.....He won't care anything.

" Don't bad, Changkyunnie~ please good for me."

" I was.....I was only good for you,
My precious~"

" I'm so glad to hear that....you know that?
You're my one and only precious bestfreind."

" Yeah......you too, my one and only precious"

Changkyun smiled and told me back.
When he smiled his dimples appeared
and I love those dimples so much, although
they're not too deep.

" So.....Changkyunnie, do you still
going to club at night, hmm? "

"Hmmm.....well....I don't know?"

Changkyun said with innocent sound
like he don't know anything. For about
that Changkyun is such a bad boy,who
always went to clubs but after I told him
not to go, he promised me that he won't!
But now! He didn't keep his promise.

" Bad boy! I hate you~"

"No!! I 'm just kidding you hyungwon, I'm  not
going any clubs since I have given you the
promise.......so....don't hate me beautiful baby~"

" Okay~"

I told and give him a bright smile~ I'm glad
that Changkyun is listen my words!


" Sorry, Wonho.... I'm late...."

"Yeah, but don't worry....I'll not punish you
in school~ hyungwonnie"

Wonho said with deep voice and I nodded.
Ofcous, he 'll not give my punishment in
School. But, in his house, he will.

" What do you want to eat, today?

"Nothing, you can go now~"


As soon as he said to me, I nodded
and about to leave. Beacuse,
Changkyun will probably waiting me ,
in the class. But I felt a strong
arms pull me. And the owner of the
strong arms is no one, is Wonho.
I saw his smirk and unusual smile on
his face.

" I change my mind ~ hyungwonnie....I want
   to punish you,Now!"

" Won-"

My replies are suddenly cut off by
some ice-coffe that Wonho pour down to
my head. And my white shirt turn into
another colour (you know....coffe colour ? ).
I could feel the ice liquid on my face and

" Wow!!"

The other students saw me and gave me
some loud noise. Now, they all see me!

As my tears started falling down,
I left  the canteen and started running!
I don't know the direction but I don't stop
running! Run and Run again!

Why this happend to me ? Why ?
Why me ? Is Wonho hate me that much?
Why he don't kill me then ?

I wish I could disappear form the world!

____________To Be Continue____________

>.< Don't mind me.... I'm so bad at English :'(

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