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Hyungwon pov~

I'm now crying under the tree, it is the biggest tree
in our University. This time, I cried more than
the other time. I never cried this hard before,
But this time I can't handle it. The pain in my
heart make me cry  harder.  If it is not
the one who I love, I 'll not get much pain.

No one knew that I love him so much,
Since our childhood. I always listen whatever
he said because I love him more than my life.
But, he doesn't love me. I knew that. Shin Wonho,
he always interest in girls and he is such a playboy.
He break many girls hearts well, including me.
I tried myself to hate him, but it was not work.
As much as I try to hate him, it only give me pain.

If I could have a chance to wish, I 'll
wish , Wonho love me back.

Humm......Although I know that he will never,
But I always wish that one.

"  Hyungwon!! Are you okay? "

A sudden voice came from in front of me
and I wipe my tears. And I saw that was
Changkyun. Hmm....he is not attend History
class again. He hate History. ( An/me too 😜)

"Hmm....Changkyun....why are you here ?
Don't you attend to History class? "

" Because you' re missing  and I heard from
others that fool doing bullshit to you again,
So, how can I support to go my class? And I
know that my little cry turtle 'll hide somewhere
and cry hard !"

" No ! I'm not crying~ "

"Ofcourse, you are....look at you, your nose and eyes
are red.....Crying baby turtle!"

"Stop calling me that nickname or I 'll kill you
stupid wolf!"

I said and hit him with not much strength,
And Changkyun is laughing loudly.

" Wait...."

Changkyun stop laughing and started
looking his bag. And he take some snacks,
Jelly and one ice-cream box and give me.

" For me ? "

"Yeah.....I know that you haven't eaten...
so, I bought all.....but it is very shame for
me. Because when I pick some candys
the owner of the shop is look at me stragely
and also laugh to me >.< "

" Hahahaha....but....thank you,

"Seriously.......Why you like them so much?"

"Heee....No reason"

I giggled and start eating my ice-cream.
We spent all the times sitting and talking.
None of us go to class, today.


As soon as I stand at the school gate
with Changkyun, because I have to wait
Wonho. Well, it is my duty to wait Wonho.
And he will mad If I come back home
without him.

"Hyungwonnie, come with my car"

Changkyun ask me.

" Sorry, Changkyun.....I have to go with someone"



" Why.....he can go home by himself"

"Hmm....yes he can...but, he 'll mad at
me if I go home first without him"

"You don't have to care ~ "

"It is not your business....stay away from

I want to say something back to Changkyun,
But Wonho walk to us and told him instead.
There is again. They hate each other since
long ago. Wonho doesn't like Changkyun and
Changkyun really seen to hate Wonho.

"What a joke, he is not yours~"

" Changkyun!"

I held Changkyun right arm , but he
don't look at me. He still look Wonho.
His voice become angry tone.

" Such a poor thing you are.....He is Mine,
He is born for me and he is Mine only!"

" He is not a fucking toy!! "

"Stop!! Wonho....Let's go....Changkyun,
go back to yours"

I push Changkyun, who is now really
angry with death glares. And I held Wonho
hands to stop this situation and get out of
the school.

"  Please.....Wonho....let's go!"

I begged him and he look at me at once
and grabbed my wrist. As Wonho dragged
me I turn to Changkyun and wave him.
Changkyun still look me and Wonho.With
some reaction in his eyes I have never seen.

" I hate your stupid friend, Hyungwonnie"

Wonho told me and went in his car.
I only sighed . And told him~

"I think he hate you too"

"I don't care ~ Do you hate me
hyungwonnie "

" No. I don't "

He didn't say anything......But I said the truth!

I don't hate him but I love him

___________To Be Continue__________

Thanks for reading this fic😁
I love all of you!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2018 ⏰

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