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Indiel's armor is created out of the worlds hardest substance.

Her armor is created from a man made substance called Aggregated Diamond Nanorod. It is actually a collection of nano-scale diamonds, and it is the least compressible, hardest substance known to man. ((is an actual scientific concept. Ots not indestructible however extremely hard to break))

Her armor is crafted perfectly to fit her body and minimize damage done to the body. It is composed of a breast plate that fits her bust perfectly, protecting from damage. As it moves down onto the abdomen it is fromed in plates that move with the body to provide the best range of movement while giving the best protection it can. The way it is formed over the abdomen, it almost gives the look of extreme muscular build, despite her petite figure. it looks the same down the back, giving a very muscular look to her, though down the center, the plates are shaped like a spinal cord, also giving maxim movement.

There is a thick, perfectly shaped plate that covers over her hips.

The armor extends down over her thighs, and in the front of her shins. Because putting armor on the back of the legs may hinder movement, there is only small plates of it meant to maximize protection where it could. The rest of it was created from dragons hide to protect exposed areas.

There was a small plate of the armor to protect her Achilles Tendons.

Over her shoulders there was two thick, spiked plates for protection. As the armor carried down the arm, it would be in long, thick plates to cover the main parts of her arms, the rest covered in the durable and strong yet flexable Dragons hide.

On her head she wore a healmet made of the very same material of the armor,  designed with two large, angled backwards horns that resemble that of a dragons horns.

Indiel's armor has a great shock absorption, which is very helpful when going up against hard hitters.

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