Chapter 39

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Darkness; it was all encompassing, this darkness that had fallen upon the world after the recent trumpet. No light could drive it back. No flame could cast its glow any further than its own existence. Andrew had never thought such a thing could be possible, but then he was all but spent disbelieving the possible. Through God, everything was possible. He and Abi had spoken about this next trumpet, spoken about moving before the following trumpet sounded with its demonic host of locusts that were said to flood the earth. There were still too many people here, and as painful as it was to admit, they were all going to die. Probably they would too, but Andrew knew in his heart he had to get Sarah and her child away from this place, away from everyone.

They were seated in the darkness, Abigail, Marcus, Diana and the last remaining members of the H7 bunker. He was listening half-heartedly to Marcus ranting about their decision to leave. A sudden strange feeling began running over his body. As if on summons, a glowing light flooded the room, sending them all into a blinking hysteria as Diana’s scream filled the room.

As the light took form everyone gasped as two creatures suddenly appeared before them, a young, beautiful women with bright green eyes and golden orange hair the fell down past her shoulders. The other was a towering, well-muscled man with spiked brown hair, and eyes like two miniature suns. He wore golden plated armour that reflected the light that rolled off his body, a light that actually pierced the darkness and drove it back.

Shocked stares replaced their conversation, apart from Marcus who renewed his cursing; only changing the direction of the tirade to their new visitors. Abigail dropped to her knees, in prayer or shock Andrew couldn’t tell. He was too shocked himself to stand face to face once again to his strange newly discovered parents.

“Why hello Mum, Dad, so nice of you to join us,” he greeted.

“Oh Andrew,” Le’theril cried as she rushed to him with a warm embrace. The sudden emotion took him by surprise. Not being used to having a mother, let alone any attention from her. Despite his lack of response, she held his head to her chest, and he couldn’t help but feel the warmth and comfort of having his mother hold him. So this is what it felt like. He also noticed the angel flinch as he called him Dad, but was happy to see the smile that followed after, even if it did seem melancholy.  

“Wait, what the blazes did you just say?’ Marcus spluttered. “These frea… ahh… people are your parents?” His eye’s almost all white with shock. Andrew glanced over to see him struggling to recover. ‘I should’ve known they wouldn’t be normal I guess.” He mumbled, not willing to meet Andrews gaze. 

 “Shouldn’t you two both be in heaven?” He asked. His mother burst into tears in reply, and it was now his turn to console her. So something drastic had happened.

“Things changed,” Raphael answered as he looked around the room, taking each one of them under his blazing gaze.

“They seem to do that quite frequently of late,” Andrew replied with a smirk. “Do you know where Ben is?” he asked eagerly. Surely an angel would know where their precious prophet would be? As he asked an email from Ben suddenly came through his I-man. As if he had called the email just from speaking his friend’s name.

“There have been some complications,’ Raphael replied, ‘he’s currently -” The Angel’s sentence was cut short as Andrew jumped towards him, his clenched fist connecting solidly on the angel’s chin, sending stumbling backward as Andrew followed through tackling him to the ground.

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