Chapter 41

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Raphael leaned against one of the large pillars in the rear of Raum’s throne room. He glanced up at the intricate script of blessings that had taken him so long to complete. It had been far longer than he had originally planned, but he had to make sure everything was perfect. He knew Satanael would not even hesitate at the writing surrounding Raum’s domain, he would already have known all about it. But Raum would be paying close attention to it, and Raum was not stupid; Impatient yes, but certainly not stupid. Raphael prayed that Le’theril and the others were still safe. He had left their fates in their own hands. No, he left them in God’s hands, and they must still be safe.

His thoughts ceased as he heard echoing footsteps approaching. He could almost feel Raum shift hesitantly as he sat on his thrown. How much suffering did his brother inflict on Raum that he would still be nervous by his presence?

He wanted to reassure the demon lest he betray their plans, but decided it best he was so nervous. It would surely make Satanael more comfortable thinking he had the upper hand.

The footsteps suddenly stopped and Raphael couldn’t help but feel the butterflies of nerve's spring forth to live inside him.

“So you did survive your frontline battle, I’m so glad you made it back alive, and you’ve managed to capture the prophet and keep him alive,” Satanael stated. Raphael picked up on the accusation in his voice. Raum better sell himself well, or he wouldn’t have enough time to act.

“And how were you able to obtain such a prize Raum? My brother would not have let him go easily.” Raphael almost smiled, despite all that happened it was still good to know his brother still knew him.

“The attack on Heaven was not without its own success Satanael,” Raum hissed.

“That’s Father to you,” Satanael growled.

 “Ahh, yes…Father. We managed to discover your brothers wench he had been fucking for so long and brought her back here.”

“I wondered why he had come down in a fury. So where is she?” Satanael replied.

“Who knows, I traded her for a more valuable prize,” Raum answered as he chuckled. It was sickening to hear, but Raphael was glad it was all pretty much true. The father of lies could spot one a mile away.

“And the one thing Raphael loves enough to break his Father’s law isn’t an indispensable prize? Do you know exactly how important she is? He would do anything for her.” Satanael snapped.

“Exactly why I traded her. He came down here looking for her, what was I going to do? Try him, and get killed trying to hold all the cards? No, I would rather keep control and be left with my own cards to play with.” Raum’s anger had lifted and his anger almost shook the room as his strength was magnified within the room. It seemed to give Satanael pause.

“I did what I had to, and I’ve secured your key to Heaven. You can kill all the remaining humans on Earth, but that will no longer guarantee you access to heaven. Surely his soul is more important than a bargaining chip with another fallen angel…Father.” Raum was right, and Raphael knew his brother would realise that too.

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