Chapter 27

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*Five years ago (November 28th)*

Hoseok's P.O.V:

I was heading to class 803 since I had to drop off some papers when I heard someone who sounded

like Lisa tell another person something. "Rose you cannot tell anyone." The girl says. "Okay fine but tell

me already Lisa!" Rose said. "So it is Lisa." I said quietly. "This child is not Jungkook's. " Lisa said. Rose

gasped. "Who's child is this then?" Rose said. "It's Baekhyun's." Lisa says. "Did you tell Baekhyun?" Rose

asked. "No and he doesn't know... we both were drunk and it happened. Baekhyun left and I didn't

know what to do. I still loved Jungkook... I found him in a club all drunk and we did it. I made him think

that this child is his so that he can stay with me and take care of my child." Lisa tells Rose. I am in

shock. I suddenly feel the door open. Lisa looks at me with wide eyes. "You better not tell Jungkook

anything... or you don't know what I'm capable of doing to Wendy, or do you still love me?" She

warned me. "I won't tell him... but he will find out eventually. I don't love you anymore... you're

mentally disgusting to me." I said to her. She left with Rose.


"I'm sorry I didn't tell you before but I couldn't let her lie to you anymore." I said. I see Jungkook cry in

disgust after hearing what Lisa did to him. "I have to go." He said as he left. "How could you not tell

us?" The rest of the members asked. "I didn't want anything to happen to Wendy." I explained.

Jungkook's P.O.V:
I went to the store and bought a ton of beer. I went to the nearest ally. I drank all of it down. I had to

get rid of how much pain I have in me. I eventually got too drunk that I collapsed.

?? P.O.V:

After I bought food from the store, I was in my car when we past the ally. I saw something I knew was

never meant to be there. "Stop the car." I said. I got out of the car and told my driver to come with me.

"Help me with this guy. He needs help." I said. "Ma'am do you know this guy?" He asks. "His name is

Jeon Jungkook. Bring him to the house." I said and he nodded. We arrived at the house and my maids

said, "Mistress Nayeon welcome back." "Please bring him to the guest room... he needs help." I said.

"Yes Mistress right away." They said. "Bae Sun... Did Baekhyun already leave to the studio?" I asked.

"Yes Mistress... he left ten minutes ago." Bae Sun says. "Okay you may leave." I said, she bows and

leaves. "What is wrong with me?  Why do I care for you?" I asked to myself in my head. I sit thinking

on the couch for 30 minutes. "Mistress Nayeon is settled in the guest room... what should we do now?"

Butler Lee says. "I'm going to his room... wait two hours and tell the maids to make hang over soup." I

said. He nods and leaves. I head to the room. I open the door and see him there, with his eyes closed.

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