I'm going for a swim. Do you wanna join me?

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Three days and they were still in that dream world or whatever it was. Since then they haven't seen any human being so they had found shelter in caves. There haven't been any problems yet fortunately except Reborn with a foul mood.

It was nighttime. The moon and the stars shone brightly and the rustle of leaves filled the night. Tsuna was about to fall asleep when he heard Reborn move. His eyes opened and he glanced at the hitman whose back was turned to him.

"I'm going for a swim. Do you wanna join me?"

Completely awake now Tsuna blushed madly. His heart was beating so loud he feared the hitman would hear it. Images filled his head and he wanted to disappear.


Tsuna looked at Reborn's handsome face and blushed even more. However, before he could realize it he had already agreed. Now wanting to turn back time he stood up and followed the hitman. It was completely dark for which Tsuna was grateful for. He didn't want Reborn to discover his feelings. But who was he fooling? He couldn't even dream about keeping something from Reborn. He probably knew and rejected Tsuna. That was probably the case. Reborn could never love someone useless like him.

His eyes looked at the hitman in front of him. He really didn't deserve him.

They came to the lake and Tsuna stopped. When he noticed Reborn taking his clothes off he shrieked and turned away embarrassed. His heart was beating wildly in his chest. Wait, if Reborn took off his clothes than Tsuna would also have to-

Already the thought of it made his heart beat even faster than before. When he heard the sound of parting water he began to panic.

"You are useless, Dame-Tsuna. I will look away.", assured him Reborn and Tsuna turned around only to look directly into onyx eyes. Only now did he realize that Reborn had taken his fedora off. His eyes were beautiful. His hair was spiky but also looked soft in the moonlight. Then his eyes wandered down to his lips which were smirking. Then down and...

"Look away!" Tsuna felt ashamed and embarrassed. He had checked out Reborn's body right in front of him!

The smirk only widened as the hitman turned around. Slowly after making sure Reborn didn't turn around any second, he took off his clothes. He shivered from the cool breeze this late at night. He approached the water. His feet were now in the cold water. After assuring himself that Reborn was still not looking he went in completely. The water was cold but it was beautiful here. He loved the way the water sparkled and moved.

Reborn turned to him and they stared at each other.

"I-It's beautiful here, isn't it?", stuttered Tsuna and Reborn blinked.

"It is."

Then there was silence again but it was a comfortable one. Tsuna looked at Reborn directly for the first time. He noticed how spiky his hair was, how dark his eyes were and how narrow they were especially when he smirked. Now that he thought about it he hadn't seen him ever smile before and the thought of it made Tsuna sad. Did he even enjoy the time they had spent together or was it only because of obligation? Did he even like Tsuna in the slightest or was all the teasing in reality only insults?

Tsuna turned his back to Reborn. He couldn't look him in the eyes. Now the evening was destroyed! Tsuna could really only do damage.

Suddenly strong arms hugged him and he could hear a voice whisper in his ear:"Why are you so upset?"

Tsuna's heart was beating as he felt Reborn's strong body press against his. "I-It's nothing."

"Are you sure? It doesn't look like 'it's nothing'" Tsuna turned around and wanted to push Reborn away. This was wrong. He shouldn't be doing this. He shouldn't give Tsuna false hope.

But before he could push him away a hand grabbed his firmly. Onyx eyes looked at him determined.

"R-Reborn, this is wrong-!", tried Tsuna to say but Reborn's face only came closer. He tried to move away but Reborn held him firmly in place so he couldn't move. He didn't want this! Reborn wasn't serious! He could never love him!

Now Reborn's lips were only a few inches away and he could feel his warm breath on his lips. "Don't ever think I don't love you." Then soft lips were on his as he stood there paralyzed. He couldn't actually mean it! But his kiss was so soft and full of love that Tsuna gave up and kissed back. His lips were as soft like he had dreamed of. Everything was perfect at this magical moment until they had to part from lack of air.

Tsuna looked at Reborn's eyes and asked:"Are you serious?"

Reborn laughed. "How could you think I wasn't serious? Wasn't the kiss enough?"

Anxiety filled Tsuna again. What if he was only toying with him? Yeah, that was probably the case. After all that had only been Tsuna's first kiss.

"Dame-Tsuna, don't interpret something wrong. I love you."

The words came out so sincere that it shocked Tsuna. Could it actually be possible that Reborn loved him?

"I love you so don't think anything else", said Reborn and the next thing he did shocked Tsuna even more. He smiled. It wasn't that smirk he used all the time - it was a real smile.

"I-I love you too." Tsuna couldn't believe it. Reborn actually liked him back. He was so happy that tears filled his eyes but before they poured down his cheeks the hitman kissed them away softly and Tsuna laughed. The weight he hadn't known was there in the beginning was gone. Reborn loved him.

"I'm so happy", whispered Tsuna smiling with tearful eyes and the hitman laid his forehead on his lovingly. Even now his dark eyes were narrowed but for the first time in his life, he could read them.

"Me too, Tsuna, me too."

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