You're so beautiful.

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As apology, I uploaded both at the same time. Hope you enjoy!~ Be ready for Tsuna AND Reborn's POV.


If you would ask Tsunayoshi Sawada, if he was happy, then he would surely say 'yes'. His little flower shop was in his small home town Namimori. His childhood dream had been to open a shop and be with his family. He achieved his childhood dreams, what many others failed to do, so he was pretty satisfied with life.

It was a Saturday night. Clouds were covering the sky and the drizzling rain made Tsuna even calmer than usual. Tsuna was about to close his store when he saw a dark figure outside moving towards him. Maybe it was a costumer? He would just wait and see.

The bell rang, announcing the stranger's arrival and Tsuna smiled at the man. He was wearing a suit. His black hair was covered by a fedora and his dark eyes were hidden in the shadows of his fedora.

"Hello, how can I help you?", asked Tsuna while the man observed his surroundings.

"A single purple hyacinth." How curious. A purple hyacinth was used to represent deep feelings of sadness and to ask for forgiveness. What could the man have done?

Tsuna, however, knew better than to ask questions and gave the man the single flower.

"Do you want anything else?", asked Tsuna but his only response was the sound of coins hitting his counter and the bell ringing, signaling his customer's departure.

"What a weird man", Tsuna said with a calm smile and closed the store.


The next day everything went by as usual until it was night again.

"Oh, how can I help you?", asked Tsuna, surprised but happy to see the weird man again.

"A single purple hyacinth."


As Tsuna picked the flower out, he eyed it in his hand. "Is there a reason why you are buying this specific flower?" He looked up to the man who only raised an eyebrow.

"Why should I tell you?", asked the man with a cold voice.

"Just curious. Here." Tsuna handed the man the flower. Again he left after putting the money on the counter. He watched as the man disappeared and then closed the store. What he didn't notice was the smile on his lips.


"It's you again."

Tsuna stared at the man in front of him. Was there a reason why he was buying this flower every week?

"The usual, I guess?", Tsuna stated more than asked as he handed the man the flower.

"May I know the name of my loyal customer?"

The face of the man remained expressionless as he said,"Renato", and left.

Renato, eh?


"Renato, is there a reason why you come here seconds before I close the shop?"

A long time had passed since they first met but Renato remained cold. That didn't make him more nor less interesting. Tsuna just didn't care, he guessed.

"Not really."

So there was one.

"Tell me.", persisted Tsuna jokingly. Suddenly he felt pain on his forehead and rubbed the painful spot. "Was this necessary?!", whined Tsuna. Renato had just flicked him on the forehead!

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