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Life's just a box full of surprises! It just shocks the pants out of you. And boy, did it shock the pants out of me too!

"Freya, I told you to pick me up at 7! You are 20 minutes late!"

Yesterday, you said to pick you up at 9. Then you suddenly called me 5 friggin' minutes till 7 and you blame me for being late?! My house is 30 minutes away from the office! Freya pursed her mouth and looked down avoiding eye contact with her unreasonable boss. She wanted to complain, but didn't want to bother. It was too tiring to argue with an unreasonable man who has a mouthful of bull in his mouth.

"Say something!" the man yelled at her, pointing his finger at her and not even minding the people looking at them.

"I'm sorry. It won't happen again." Freya could only grit her teeth and say. She was endlessly cursing this person in her mind. If it weren't for her family situation, she would have never even agreed to this job, sadly there was no legal job that offered higher wage.

Her boss harrumphed in satisfaction before throwing a bunch of files her way, "Work on this and finish it before lunch. This is for an important meeting at 1. Don't screw this up!"

Freya caught the files, and almost cried. She was a personal bodyguard, not a secretary! Before she could even say anything, her boss went ahead and closed the doors of his office to her face. Even his secretary, who was supposed to be working on this followed after him! She had no choice, but to comply and work on it at the lounge.

Freya finished the files right before lunch and was about to hand it over when she heard gasping sounds inside the room. She turned livid knowing that they were taking advantage of her, but she could do nothing. This was for her family and she couldn't afford to lose it. She could only return to the lounge and wait.

However, they got out when it was almost time for the meeting. Her boss didn't bother with her and took the files and ran to the meeting. Freya had no choice but to follow given her job description as a bodyguard.

They made it to the meeting and, Freya stayed outside like a normal bodyguard. She waited for about an hour or so before the meeting came to an end and her boss looking pretty livid.

"Go to my office. Now!"


Freya sat on the couch and hugged her knees close. The bruises on her skin were now looking a bit okay after a hot bath, but it still stung whenever there was slight pressure. She took out her old phone and dialed a number. She waited, but she got nothing and decided to leave a voicemail.

"Hey, Mark. I think I'm gonna quit this job. Employer's a nutcase; I'll need to find another job. Call me when you have anything. Love you." After disconnecting, she heaved another big sigh.

"I already know this was gonna be hard, but I'll get by." She encouraged herself and stood up, changed into her nightclothes and finally went to bed.

"Dad, I'll save you." She mumbled before closing her eyes, drifting into dreamland.

"I'll never forgive you!" someone screamed and pulled on her collar so hard that it made Freya dizzy.

Freya wanted to make her stop and move away, but her body moved suddenly and a surge of unknown power flowed inside her and burst towards the person holding her.

"You started it first." Freya heard herself day. She was shocked by her own voice. She sounded arrogant and aloof, which was never her. It was then that another burst of power shot out from her hand. It seemed to be targeting a cute girl in front of her, "You took him away from me! Therefore, you shall die!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2018 ⏰

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