Am I Good Enough- SinJa

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Sinbad's p.o.v
I was sitting at my desk signing some paperwork for once, when I heard a knock on my door. Sighing I stood up and went over to my door and opened it, but when I got there someone fell into my arms crying, I looked down into my arms and saw a head of white hair. I picked up the body that I had now identified as my loyal advisor and secret crush Jafar, I then carried him bridal style through the large wooden door that connected my office to my bedroom, and placed the loudly sobbing advisor on my humongous bed. I started slowly rubbing his back in circular motions to calm him down, eventually he had stopped crying and calmed down, when this happened I looked down at him and said " Jafar why are you crying?" He then looked up at me with his tearstaind face and replied " am I good enough? Am I good enough to help you run this country, to be trusted to protect you and your people? Am I good enough to love yo...." He was stopped by me pressing my lips against his in a short kiss. When we pulled apart he had a shocked look on his face " Jafar, who told you that you weren't good enough?" " I did! These past few weeks have been so stressful and busy and I can't keep up with it all anymore!" After he said this I pulled him close and told him " you are good enough! Good enough for this country and it's people! And you are definitely good enough for me!!"

Anime yaoi oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora