Mcree Family Fic

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I glance at the clock on the dash. 11:55. Shoot. I pull in the driveway soon after, and then the car off. I sigh.

"Hopefully he's in a good mood." I say out loud. I look in the rear view mirror to look at myself. My dark brown hair tumbles down my shoulders, but it's tangly, a mess. So's my face. My brown eyes pierce into me as I stare at myself. They look tired. After one final glance, I unfasten my seatbelt and get out of the car.

The door creaks open and I cringe. I resist the urge to swear out loud as I tiptoe into our rental house. The door shuts behind me with a louder than normal thud, and I cringe further.

"Out a little late, huh?" I sigh once more as I turn to face Jesse McCree, my dad. "Sorry Dad, won't happen again." He chuckles and says, "Look. All I need to know is that you didn't get drunk at a bar and I'll be fine. What were you doing?" I sigh as I walk over to the kitchen, opening the fridge idly. It slams shut as I turn to face my dad. He was always faster than me...

"What were you doing Li?"
"I was..." He looks at me, and I look down. He won't like my answer. "I was working dad."

"Li... we've talked about this! We're on vacation! The one rule was no working." He looks at me sadly.

"I know, but I want to be able to support myself if this Overwatch thing falls though. If I don't make it." He sighs and mumbles, "You know I don't want you doing that either."

"But it's what we decided on. You'll let me take the entrance exam, and if I fail, I fail, if I pass, I get to stay in the only home I've ever known. Fair trade off." I smile a little bit.

"I just don't want you to have the same will breaking responsibilities that your mom and I had..." He cups his hands around my face. "I love you, Li. I want a better life for you... but you know that already." He drops his hands after reading my expression. I pull him into a hug. "I love you dad."

He chuckles. "Love you too Liana." He holds me tighter.

I find my dad at the table the next morning drinking coffee. His hair's a mess, and he's staring out the window.

"Morning Dad." I say sleepily.
"Hey Li. How'd you sleep?" He turns to face me, smiling.
"Well enough I guess."
"That's good. Anything you wanna do today? You can go to that coffee shop you like, and write, we could hang out and play games, go sit at that cliff again, go exploring..." he cuts off when he sees the exhaustion in my eyes.

"You don't look up for much today, huh? Wanna give it a couple hours and see then? We could always go watch Say Yes To the Dress: Atlanta?" He tilts his head a bit, beaming at me, hair hanging in his face, coffee in his mustache. I grin. He knows me so well.

I pull seven bags of popcorn from the pantry and we microwave them all, pour them into a giant bowl, and turn the TV on. We sit right next to each other with that big bowl of popcorn between us and watch tv. We mostly stick to ridiculously dramatic reality TV shows, just so we can make fun of the stupid people. After an hour or two, we finish the popcorn, turn off the TV, and just sit there. I lay my head on his chest, and he puts his arm around me.

We don't say anything for awhile. With my dad, some silences can be awkward, but others are completely contented. This was the latter.

"What would Mom think about the whole Overwatch thing?" I ask quietly. He tenses up, not sure what to say. He takes a deep breath and says, "I'm not sure. On one hand I think she'd agree with me. Caused her so much heartache. Too much for one person to handle... but on the other hand she'd probably tell you to do what's right. To do what you want so long as it helps someone. To not be selfish." He sighs, putting his head in his hands, "but I need you to be just a little bit selfish." His next few breaths are shaky, and he doesn't look at you.

"You know how much I love you, right?"

"More than anything?" He turns to look at you, tears falling down his face.

"More than life itself."

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