An Unspoken Language (OC X Caleb Widogast)- Critical Role

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NOTE: Hello. I'm Widojest trash, but I'm treating this fic like Fjordster is cannon. I love Widojest, but obviously since I'm shipping an OC with Caleb, Widojest can't really happen. I don't care what side of the shipping isle you're on, or if you even care about shipping- just remember to be respectful in the comments! Don't forget to love each other :)

Also, if you've never seen Critical Role and are just reading this for fun, you should totally check it out. It's a lot of watch time and effort, but I promise that it'll be worth it!


Some background:

This OC's name is Wren. She chooses not to use her last name due to her past with an abusive father and neglectful mother. She and her brother, William, left Tal'Dori when Wren was eleven and Will was sixteen to seek out a better life for the two of them. 

Wren and her brother made a name for themselves across the smaller cities of Wildmount as traveling musicians. They made an effort to look for their mother, who had fled their home when  Wren was a toddler. After no luck of finding their mother, Wren and Will met Celia and Oeberon, two musicians from Zadash and Rexxentrum, respectively. Celia and William quickly fell in love, and talked of marriage. Oeberon and Wren also got together, though Wren didn't understand Oeberon's motives.

When Wren turned sixteen, she and Will were going to another small town together ahead of Celia and Oeberon to prepare a place for them to stay. On their way to the town, they're ambushed by a small group of slavers, who separate the two. Wren is harshly shoved into a cage, and Will manages to talk his way into their ranks. Wren would constantly sing absentmindedly to herself, and the slavers found it annoying. Will was powerless to stop them when they held her down and cut out her tongue and voice box. He knew that if he revealed his true intentions, they would both be killed.

Wren laid in agony for days, unable to make a single noise. Finally, Will was able to steal the keys from a drunken member of the group, and escape with Wren. They finally met up with Celia and Oeberon. 

When Oeberon discovered that their group would no longer have a singer, he left. It broke Wren's heart. She had never understood that he only valued her for her voice. 

Eventually, Will and Celia got married, and as Wren entered into her twenties, she left, in search of fulfilling her new dream. If she couldn't perform the music of Wildmount, she would collect it. She went from city to city, collecting dances, songs, and poems and compiling it into volumes. She intended to publish them in her old age, and retire, alone, somewhere in Wildmount. 

She gave up on all hope of finding someone to love, and on finding her mother. She's driven by her new purpose, to aid the future musicians of Exandria.

She met up with the Nein in Rexxentrum at some point, and taught Caleb sign language, and now (as of EP 109-110) Beau can understand all languages. The rest you can get from context if you're that far into the Campaign.


An Unspoken Language (OC X Caleb Widogast)

Wren stood on the balcony of the inn the Nein were staying at. She'd never been in Rexxentrum before, and the sight of a city larger than she'd ever seen before excited her. She allowed herself to imagine for a moment singing with her brother in the streets. It reminded her of the first experience she had in Wildmount, fresh off the boat from Tal'Dori, having nothing to their name and nothing behind them but troubling memories, but having everything in front of them. She thought of Oeberon for a brief moment. Everything there reminded her of him. She chose to push those memories down.

Her fingers absentmindedly traced the scar on her neck. She allowed herself to long for her former glory for a brief moment, before returning to reality as she heard a knock on her door.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2020 ⏰

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