6000 Days

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I don't owe anything, all Characters are owned by our queen JK Rowling. 

This is my first ever story, i hope you guys like it <3 

6000 Days 

Harry knew ginny liked him, but he wasn't sure which part of him she liked: the real Harry or the boy who lived? Did she actually know the real Harry? No one knew him for who he really was except Ron and Hermione and malfoy. Wait... Malfoy? Why did he think Malfoy knew him? It was true that he had never liked 'Famous-Harry' but did that mean that he knew the real Harry? No, while Harry knew everything about Draco( research, purely to see if he isn't planning anything ), Draco didn't know a thing about him. Right?

Since when did he start calling Malfoy by his first name? That git didn't deserve it, but why did it come so easy to Harry to use that name? Speaking about Malfoy, what was he up to now, Harry thought. He took his invisibility cloak and the map and left the common room. He found Draco, as usual, at the top of the astronomy tower looking into the darkness of the night. Harry really wished he could read Draco's mind, his life would be so much easier. He stood next to Draco, just far enough not to touch him so Malfoy wouldn't realise he was there, and looked at the same stars Draco was looking at trying to figure out what he was thinking. Draco's face was lit up by the full moon, in the woods you could here Remus growl, followed by a dog barking. Harry was really happy his godfather had been reunited with his lover, the 2 were just so cute together and having Sirius on 'full moon nights' was a great help for Remus, his packmate was with him. Harry wondered what it felt like to be someones mate. He knew everybody had a mate but that it's very rare to actually find them. Many times he had asked Remus and Sirius what it had felt like but they always said they would explain everything when he was older. He was 16 now and they still hadn't told him. What if he had already found his mate but didn't know it?

"Peaceful isn't it?" Draco's voice suddenly pulled Harry out of his thoughts. Who was he talking to, was there someone else in the tower that he hadn't seen? Harry looked around but there was no one else. Draco continued: "I come here often to think but you knew that already don't you?" Draco's voice was different than usual, it sounded nicer, calmer.... warmer. If Harry didn't know anything better he would have said that Draco's voice sounded hot and sexy. He was still not sure if Draco was talking to him or not, he was still wearing his cloak so there was no way possible draco know who was there. "You know, Draco continued, I wonder about something, what if the path my father chose for me isn't the path I really want to follow?" Draco was looking back at the stars. " They say destiny is written in the stars, but what if I wanna change my destiny, how do you change the stars?" Draco stopped speaking for a while and Harry was back in his thoughts *what if he was right? Could he really just run away from everything, from his destiny?* it was like they were thinking the same thing at the same moment because when Harry was thinking it, Draco said it: "If only, right?" Draco seemed tired of standing because he conjured two lying chairs and sat in one of then not moving around to much because he still didn't know exactly where the other person was. Harry sat down in the other chair wondering how Draco knew he was there. Draco seemed to be reading his mind again because he started to tell a story. "My father talked to me once about soulmates and how only a few of us actually get to meet them in our lives. He told me he knew of only two pairs from Hogwarts, himself and my mother and your parents" Harry was shocked by the last words. Did Draco know who was really under the cloak? How? Harry still didn't take of the cloak because Draco could still think it was someone else. Draco continued: "My father also told me about an ever rarer type of soulmates, the α- pairing. A bonding between two males or two females. He said they were so rare there haven't been one in over a century. I think he's wrong, i know a pair bonded like that, Padfoot and moony I think they are called. That's not their real name of course but I have my supission about who they actually really are. As if they had heard him moony howled to the moon. " Did you know you can only find your soulmate the moment you turn 6000 days?" Draco asked. " You start getting headaches the day before and at midnight your whole world turns grey except for one color. People who never find their soulmates see that color for the rest of their lives. Sad isn't it? To think that would be the case for me starting tomorrow" Draco casted a quick tempus, 23.58h. "I guess tomorrow is in 2 minutes. If you stick around you mind find out what my color is." 

They sat there in silence for two minutes when suddenly Draco started to look around. "It's starting, everything is changing colors" Draco looked at Draco as he was figuring out what color would draw him to his soulmate. Suddenly Draco stopped looking around, he had found his color. "Green" he said almost in a whisper. "I've seen that green somewhere before but I can't remember, does that mean that I've seen my soulmate before? Oh my God what if I know him? But what if I don't like her?" he was quiet for a second. " Her? No that doesn't sound right, it's definitely a him." Draco was rambling on and on about who it might be, what the color meant when he suddenly grew very tired. He looked back at the stars for a few minutes. When he spoke again his voice sounded calm again, calm warm and sexy. "I'm heading to bed now, you should do the same. Will you be here again next week? I hope you will, I was lonely without you" with that he left and left Harry alone. 

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