H1 {} Saviour

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"Class dismissed."

Everyone ran out of the classroom as if their lives depended on it. Well, everyone except Y/N.

She was 10 years old, and would be leaving primary school in a year's time. Her classmates always saw her with her head in a book, scribbling notes, or drawings in her (f/c) notebook. She was a loner by her own choosing, afraid to get close to anyone. Throughout her life, she was used to being disappointed and let down. By the time she was 15 months old, she had begun living in countless orphanages and foster homes, never staying in one place for more than a month. Making friends would just make her life more difficult.

Eventually, she decided that it would be best to go eat lunch, since schoolwork would be difficult on an empty stomach.

By the front of the classroom was a snake that the teacher thought would be a good class pet. The class named it Millie, but Y/N called it Medusa. Medusa was Y/N's only friend. She talked to the snake when no one else was around, and it seemed to understand her. Sometimes, Y/N would bring the snake vegetables from the school garden, as the snake didn't seem to eat meat.

She stopped by the glass cage and looked at Medusa. She couldn't bring veggies today because she had left the orphanage too late.

"I'm so sorry, Medusa, I don't have vegetables today. I'll bring extra tomorrow, is that all right?"

The snake nodded its head in affirmation.

"Thanks for understanding. I'll make it up to you, I promise. But right now, I need to go, or I'll run out of time. I'll talk to you at the end of the day. Bye."

Y/N gave a little wave and the snake shook its tail as if to wave goodbye. She stepped outside, but was cut short when she saw a group of boys that she recognized as Martin, Chris, and their leader, Dudley, crowding around a boy with messy, raven hair who was hunched against the wall. She got a little closer, still out of sight, but close enough that she could hear what Dudley and the boy were saying.

"I think you need to be taught a lesson, Potter. You walk around here with your head high, as if you belong here. Well, you don't." Dudley took a step closer to the boy, who seemed very intimidated.

"P-please, I di-didn't do anything!"

"Sure you didn't. My parents treat you too well. You should've been left out on the streets and left to die."

Y/N was furious. How could someone say those things to an innocent kid? She marched in between the two and faced Dudley, and before she could comprehend the situation, she spoke.

"What do you think you're doing? This boy clearly doesn't want you here, so I suggest that you step away."

Dudley laughed. "Yeah, and what's a girl like you gonna do 'bout it?"

Y/N fumed silently for a moment while Dudley kept talking.

"What a wimp, no wonder nobody likes her. She's just the stupid girl from the orphanage that can't find a family. Now get out of my way!"

Chris pushed her out of the way, knocking her to the ground, and the bullies began to pummel the poor boy. Y/N was absolutely livid. She felt a surge of energy rush through her, and in a fit of rage, she yelled,


She made a pushing motion with her arms, and all three of the boys were knocked 10 meters away. They all looked shaken, and as Dudley shouted, "Freak!" they sprinted off.

(Y/N) stared at her hands in wonder. The anger had drained from her, and she was left completely bewildered. She never laid a finger on those boys, and yet . . . .

She looked over at the boy who was still against the wall and wore a bewildered and shocked expression. (Y/N) shakily stood up and began backing away. She didn't want to hurt the small boy. She hadn't even wanted to hurt those bullies.

The boy against the wall seemed to realize that she was trying to get away, and he immediately began walking towards her. He didn't want to scare her away, he just wanted to thank her. She bolted inside the classroom and he followed her.

He stood just outside the classroom door and poked his head in. He saw the girl crying and talking to a snake.

"Medusa, I don't know what happened. One minute I-I was j-just sitting there, and the next I . . . What do I do?!"

She looked up and saw the boy standing there. She gasped and backed against a wall.

"P-please, stay away. I d-don't want to hurt you, too."

The boy gave a small smile to the scared girl and walked closer.

"You saved me. I just wanted to thank you."

She stared at him, obviously not trusting herself. He noticed, and reached a hand out for her to shake.

"My name's Harry Potter. What's yours?"

She tentatively stuck out her hand and shook Harry's.

"I'm Y/N. Just . . . Y/N."

875 words

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