68Ch:1 introduction

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Im the ambitious type of girl , always dreaming big. A young Queen whos Extremely determined, a daredevil in the making, a crazy type chick (in a good way) born to walk the earth alone God created me as an artistic soul molded me into a Queen from gold a legend i was born and a legend i must be
~J£nn£ll wad£ll~ loves things that are soothing and adventurous just.
Jennell wadell and there could never be another.~~~~~€~~~~€~~~~€~~~~€~~~~€~~~~€

Everyone calls me juju beanz but my real names June. I was a song bird since birth and no one could ever deprive me of that. my first passion was singing. And freedom was something I objectified to life as paradise, cause having strict and judge mental parents weren't helping my case. I mean I understood they wanted to teach me to be smart and make wise choices living in this cruel world. But at times they were too over protective and real cruel. when it came to the mouth piece ( insults, things you shouldn't say to your child) just very unenviable people

but life.... Shoot life! was passing me by they couldn't shield me from the world for ever .I needed to experience life.....sooner or later!

So when I was old enough like around the age of 11yrs.... my aunt had sent for me again . The only difference was I was finally able to fly on a plane by myself ( there was not an ounce of fear in my blood) I went to visit my family down in newOrleans . That's when I really! took advantage of being away from my parents.

I met a boy named Larenz he was my crush from I met from church . I called him my sugar dimples, he was like my cup of joy especially since we were the only kids that lived down By the swamp at the time. We were like the best of friends . But things got real when my aunt had a good conversation with my parents over the phone letting their nosey selfs know I met a boy. they suddenly decided to move down with us!(like really!!?)

So my very surreptitious parents decided to visit aunt loises beautiful cabin home themselves. Acting as if they were there to catch up with the rest of the family.

if you didn't know both my parents were former drug users and or dealers. They did meth and , were these highly respected, gang members from Cali, located in

pacoima. But somehow in they're screwed up corrupted lives.

they both converted to Christianity and found god, became sober and decided to change their ways, trying to be great parents. Then they got baptized and thought they were saints. They Acted as if they were perfect or above everyone else. Like they came from a certain hierarchy. Like they didn't remember where they came from..but me I was too damn humble to deal.

Anyways. it Might of been half true, that my parents wanted to catch up with the rest of the family, but the real reason they were in newOrleans. was to really get a better insight on my life....and watch me and see about this boy I met. For some reason they liked to live life through me

They were once again lecturing me about this boy I just met. Acting like they knew him. And TRYNA school me on common since. Like I was just straight up dumb. Which made me so mad she just kept ridiculing me. So that same day around midnight me and my best guy-friend went out and found ourselves a sacred place we could hang out at and be teenagers in our own privacy without judgemental people in our business

Ghetto,country love; a Larenz Tate and June comedy, novelDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora