Part 3

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Derek's POV
I walk into her room and find her sleeping. I walk and sit in the waiting room.
Meredith's POV
I hear someone walk in then walk right back out. Derek. Why did he come back for me? But then leave? I need to find out!
I press the nurse button and they come soon enough. "Hi Ms. Grey. What can I do for you?"
"Can you get my fiancé?"
"Of course"
About 5 minutes later the nurse comes back in. "Me.Grey? I can't find him"
"Can you hand me my purse and page bailey for me?"
"Yes I can"
I get my phone out of my purse and all Derek. As I left a voicemail for Derek bailey walked in.
"Where's Derek?"
"I was hoping you would know bailey"
Derek's POV
I have a missed call and voicemail from 'Mer😍❤️'
"Hey Derek. It's me. Where are you? We really need to talk. Please Derek. I love you babe.'
I get back out of my car and go back to her room. I don't know why I left anyway.   I Have no reason to be mad.
I walk back into her room. She's curled up in a ball crying. Before I know it I'm running up to her bed and hold her in my lap. "You are nothing close to being a burden. You are amazing. I love you" I find myself crying. Her head is on my chest and I'm resting mine on hers.
She looks up after a while. Her mascara is rubbing down her face. Her hair is everywhere. But god is she beautiful. "Derek?"
"Yes Meredith? I'm here" I replied softly.
"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry that I'm a burden. I'm so selfish. I'm breaking up with you. I don't deserve such a perfect man. I guess Finn didn't trust me because i was a burden. So I'm breaking  up with you." I was as a single tear rolled down her cheek. I could tell that this was hard for her. It was obvious. Her eyes tell everything.
"Oh Meredith. You are not a burden you hear me. Who cares what Finn thinks. All txt matter is that you are a wonderful, beautiful, perfect young lady that I am so lucky to call mine. Please. Don't do this to yourself. I love you" I meant ever word I said.
"I...i don't know what to say..., um im just so sor-"
"Don't ever apologize for being something you arent. You are you. That's all you need to be. Other than mine" I wink she laughs. But then stops abruptly.
Meredith's POV
He made me laugh but then I felt a huge wave of pain wash over my body.
" hurts....everything hurts" I cry out in pain.
"I know. Shhhh.... it's okay." He rubs my backend pulls me to his lap. I try to resist but my body just melts at his touch.
I pull back. "Derek"
"Yes baby girl?"
I blush and immediately turn away.
No ones POV
He laughs knowing what he said. "Do you not like it, baby girl?" He chuckles again
"It's not that I don't it's just I gotta get used to it. I don't know I'm really shy when it comes to new things I guess I don't know. Crap I'm rambling have you noticed how I do that when I'm nervous or confused. I don't one of the two anyways ummm soooo heh I forgot what u was going to tell you crap"
Derek is just sitting there smiling and internally laughing at her.
"Oh shut up Derek I know you're trying not to laugh at me I just i was just going to say I love you but I'm so complicated so heh uh ya I'll shut up now" derek couldn't contain his laughter. He laugh for a few seconds before he pulled her face to his and kissed her. Like a habit. "So are you still breaking up with me?"
"Wait what?"
"Earlier you said you were a burden so you were breaking up with me. Is that what you want?"
Meredith sat for a few seconds and thought. "I mean I do think I'm a burden so I don't know. I guess it's up to you if you wanna stay with a burden like me."
"Meredith. Of course I want to be wit you. And you aren't a burden I promise. I love you.... babygirl" derek winks at her and she throws her head back and laughs.

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