Wedding Eve

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"Mer!?" Derek yelled up the stairs at 4:00. Meredith came rushing down with a handful of things, dropping things on the way down. Derek just laughs. "What is all this Mer?"
"Do you know where my Thirty-One black duffle bag is?" Meredith said rushing around trying to find it.
"Meredith you have an hour and a half until you need to leave."
"All I need to do is put all this stuff in a bag then I'm ready. Hannah has my dress. AHA! Found it" She smiled and looked up. "I'm sorry did you say something?" Derek laughed at her.
"You have over an hour till you leave. Why are you getting ready now?"
"Because I didn't know how long it would take me" Meredith says as she zips up the bag and sets it by the door. She mentally goes over her checklist zoning out. Derek sits on the couch, hoping her freak out would be over soon.
Five minutes later, Derek looks around downstairs for Meredith. He couldn't find her so he went upstairs. "Meredith?" Derek began to get worried until he walked into their bedroom. Finding her wrapped up in a blanket, on their bay window seat, crying, he walked over and squat down next to her. "Mer? You okay?"
Meredith just shook her head. Derek helped her up and they sat on their bed. "Talk to me mer"
"I just- I'm scared okay?" She says through tears.
"About tomorrow?"
"No, tonight. I don't want to go." Meredith said confusing Derek.
"Is it because of what you told me yesterday?" Derek asked. Meredith just nodded and laid down. "It'll be okay. I'm only a text or call away. You know that. You'll have your best friends." Derek faces Meredith wiping her tears.
"Okay" she whispered. "Can you do me a favor though?"
"Of course mer"
"Will you drive me there?"
"I just don't like driving alone yet..." Meredith sighed feeling pathetic since it's been two years.
"Meredith, if you want me to I will.....Hey we still have an hour until we leave. What do you wanna do?" Derek said sincerely. Meredith thought for a minute.
"I don't know" she shrugged.
"Sit up" Derek says and Meredith listens. "How about this?" He placed his hand on her cheek and pulled her face to his kissing her passionately. Meredith pulled back slightly.
"You know nothing is going to happen tonight right?"
"Yea we don't have time for that silly." Derek chuckled pulling back into the heated kiss. Meredith swing her leg over his as Derek pulled her on to his lap. Straddling him, she deepened the kiss.
Ten minutes later, Meredith placed her hand on his chest and pulled back. "Okay I think we should stop now Derek" She panted as he nibbles her ear lobe.
"Why?" He said not pulling back.
"Because I might change my mind." She whispered out of breath. Derek pulled his head up.
"I'm okay with that" he smirked. Meredith stood up and got off his lap. Derek pouted, causing Meredith to giggle.
"Get over it Der we have the next two weeks" She laughed then looked outside. Derek stood up and walked to her side. He placed his arm around her waist.
"Penney for your thoughts?"
"I need to talk to you." Meredith stayed.
"Okay? Then talk to me"
"Not now. Tomorrow" Meredith sighed.
"Okay. You okay?" Derek asked. Meredith looked at him.
"Yea. I think so. It's a big thing kinda I guess I don't know" Meredith shrugged and leaned into him.
"Okay, you ready to go?"
"Do I have to?"
"Yes mer. I'll see you tomorrow at 11 am sharp. I promise." Derek stated. Meredith sighed.
"Hey I love you. You know that right?" Derek asked sincerely. Meredith stood up straight and faced him.
"Yeah. I love you to." Meredith sighed hugging him. Derek kissed her forehead and rested his chin on her head. "We should probably go" She added, not moving from her spot.
"Let's go Mer" he said pulling back, grabbing her hand. Meredith follows him downstairs, keeping her grip on his hand tight. Derek grabbed her bag while she put shoes on and grabbed her medicine. "You ready?" Derek asked as he grabbed her hand.
"I guess" Meredith shrugged. Derek stopped walking and faced Meredith. "What? I know what you're going to say. I know it'll probably be fine. I know I'm overreacting but I'm scared okay?!" Meredith sighed and looked down.
"Hey, Mer I'm not mad at you and you aren't overreacting. You have a right to be scared. Just act like you're going to a party. We can text tonight too. You'll call me before you go to bed. Everything will be fine" He said squeezing her hand and pulling her head up.
"Okay" She sighed. Derek leaned in and kissed her.
They got and the car and drive the the hotel. Derek parked the car and Meredith turned to him. "Hannah doesn't know Derek."
"She doesn't know that I was attacked. She can't know. Please don't mention it" Meredith begged.
"Okay." Derek put a strand of her hair behind her ear. "You ready?"
"No, but I have to go" Meredith frowned. They got out and Derek grabbed her bag. They walked hand in hand into the hotel. Meredith brought him into the lobby and hugged him tight. Derek set her bag down and wrapped his arms around her tight.
"It will be okay. I promise" Derek reassured her once more. Meredith pulls back and looks at the ring on her finger.
"Tomorrow at 11 am sharp, I am no longer Miss Grey. I'll be Mrs.Shepherd" Meredith smiled. Derek grabbed her hand and kissed her. "Okay stop or I literally will come home tonight." She laughed.
"Okay. Do you want me to walk you back to the room?" Derek asked as he picked up her bag. Meredith nodded as he grabbed her hand.
Once they got there, Meredith knocked. Hannah opened the door and smiled. "Mer it's been two years. We said that we wouldn't do that again"
Meredith laughs. "I know I know. I um just got busy going back to work and all" She stuttered.
"Let me take that for you." Hannah said as she took Meredith bag from Derek. She walked further into the room, giving them some space.
"I can do this right?" Meredith looked up into Derek's eyes. Derek grabbed her other hand.
"Yes. I promise you can."
"You know what I just realized?" She asked as she looked down and bit her lip.
"This is the last time you'll see me as Miss Grey your fiancé. " Meredith looked up and smiled.
"As much as I'll miss you, I can't wait to be able to call you my wife." Derek smiles. Meredith hugs him.
"I should probably go... everyone's waiting on me" Meredith sighed.
"You'll be fine. Go have fun. Text me if you need me and call before you go to bed. You better be in bed before midnight. I don't want you to be tired tomorrow alright?"
"Okay." Meredith said as he let go of her hands and began to walk away. Meredith grabbed his hand again, pulling him into a deep kiss. "I love you Derek. I hope you know that." She said leaning her forehead on his.
"I love you too. Now go have fun okay?" He said once again as she watched him walk out of the hotel.
Meredith walked into the room finding everyone eating some pizza. "Hey Shay I need to talk to you come over here."
"Okay" Shay walked over.
"You didn't tell them about what happened two years ago correct?"
"No I wouldn't tell them something like that" Shay replied as Meredith sighed in relief.
"Okay. Thank you" they walked back to the others. Meredith gave everyone hugs and munched on the pizza.
"So mer, there's only one thing on the schedule tonight before bed."
"Okay" Meredith said.
Meredith choked on her drink. After coughing for a few seconds, she spoke. "Come again?"
"Do you want them?" Shay added in.
"Yea am I gonna have a cousin?" Alyssa's eyes went wide.
"God what the heck Hannah? You don't Just spring that word out the night before a wedding" Meredith complained shocked.
"But we wanna know" Hannah replied. Meredith sighed and answered.
"I don't know. We haven't talked about it yet. I think I'm going to ask him tomorrow."
"That doesn't answer the question" Alyssa piped in.
"Yes. I do want a little girl. I'm fine with a boy to but Hannah you know I've wanted a little girl forever." Meredith sighed. They all just stared at her and smiled. "Okay you all are weird. I'm going to make a call really fast and go to bed. Goodnight." Meredith stood up and stepped in the hallway.
"Hello?" Derek answered.
"Hey" Meredith whispers.
"Going to bed?"
"Um.. yeah I guess." Meredith trails off.
"Listen to me. You are ok and even if anything happened you know I'd be there in a heartbeat."
"I know I just,  it's really hard to sleep when I'm not with you." Meredith admitted. Derek sighed.
"I know... just pretend I'm there with my arms around you just like every other night. Okay?" Derek suggested.
"Okay I'll try."
"Okay mer. Text me if you need anything. I love you"
"I love you too Der goodnight" Meredith said before she hung up and went to bed.

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