last boring update I swear

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for the next 2 months, nothing changed. My father claimed that he never told me he would call of the law suit do it continued. 

He continued to force me to come to his house even though i begged to stay at home. Once i got there, i would try to ignore him but he would always comer me after my brothers went to bed. He would interrogate me about what was happening me at my moms house and stuff. At first i would just cry and try to leave and he would tell me,

 "your brain is to small to understand what is going on." 

And other things like, "You're just confused about how you are feeling. You don't know how you are feeling, i do."

It sucked but eventually i had enough. I stopped letting him push me around. It made him treat me worse, but i was done with being pushed around. Whenever  he would yell at me i would have a snarky response back. If anyone else is going through anything similar, do not stay silent. You might feel powerless, but stand up for yourself. I am not saying that if you are in normal circumstances, don't just full of scream at your parent or anything. But if your parents consonantly tell you that you are ugly, unless, stupid, and selfish (like my father does) don't just take that shit. You don't deserve that. You are better then that stand up for yourself.

Ok,  PSA over, when my father would tell me these things i would give it right back to them. of course he would just ignore what i had to say, but it made me feel better. Yeah, it made it so i was not allowed to talk to my mom when i was at his house, but it was worth. 

The thing my father values more then life itself is his image. He would constantly put pictures of our, "family" on Facebook, he would make me come to parties and tell all of his friends about how close we are and stuff. But lately i stopped  complying. I will tell people exactly what he does and he hates it. sometimes knowing that is all that keeps me going in the day.  

Ok so my next update will probably be me just giving advice to people that are going through something similar  since that is kind of the point of me doing this. so... yeah

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