Chapter III

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Hello, I am alive. Quick life update: am now in high school. It's a bitch but a LOT better than middle school. I just got done with my swim season that is very intensive. I apologize for being absent and hope this is an ok chapter. I am still dating that boy I mentioned a while ago. :) uhhhh lemme know if you wanna know more but, enjoy this :))
"Alexander? Are you okay? Doctor, leave us."

"How? How could he have gotten worse? We have done all that the royal doctors have said and yet he has not yet broken his fever! If this continues, and court finds him no longer fit to rule, I will be crowned." I say in a flurry, my body flashes through so many emotions I cant even think.

"What about your mother?" Aaron asks, holding onto my forearm, close. A small gesture, but a comforting one.

"I am the immediate heir, I would take place of Washington. She would become region, but she has no interest in that. Since we have no heirs, if something were to happen to the both of us, and my mother, the kingdom would fall to your parents until a proper suitor was found." I talk, my mouth just running.

Aaron stood there quietly. "We must keep the knowledge to of his health hidden from your people and mine."

"I'm afraid it might be too late for that. Gossip spreads like Hell Fire, your parents are probably already plotting." I stare into Aaron's gorgeous almond eyes. "Oh, Aaron. Please don't you go too."

He smiles and pulls me down for a kiss.

After a wonderful lunch of wild boar steak, I sit stuffed at my desk. Aaron had turned down the meal, opting for salted crackers instead. He truly missed out.


"What's wrong, Aaron?" I turn from my desk to look at my lover. He sits, rubbing his temples.

"Headache. Too much reading of bland documents. Must I reply to all of these? As far as I can make out, this writer is complaining that he was robbed when he meant to buy a case of Samual Adams. Yet he bought a case of 'Shamual Applums' and now wants a refund but alas, the seller refuses." Aaron sets down the paper and huffs.

"Oh, how troubling." I laugh and Aaron groans.

A knock at the door halts our, my, laughter.


"Prince Alexander, the Mother Queen is here." The guard bows.

"Thank you, we will be there shortly." I gesture for him to leave us.

"Oh God, I'm meeting your mother." Aaron gasps. He rushes to tidy himself.

"You look perfectly wonderful my dear. Come along now." We link arms and walk to the palace entrance.

"Queen Martha! Welcome back to Court." I embrace her, cherishing the warmth and happiness she brings. I introduce her to Aaron, they take kindly to each other. Though, I can see the stress and age on her face. I'm sure it shows already on me.

"Bring me to my husband. I have been away too long." She says, barely above a whisper. I link arms with her and we walk to his chambers. Aaron walks a step behind.

"Oh!" My mothe- Martha, cries out when she sees my father's poor face. Pale and sunken, it's a deathly sight. She rushes to his bedside and grasps at his hand. "Oh, my love. I am sorry, I truly am, for leaving this kingdom on your shoulders for so long by yourself. It was selfish of me, to flee while you had all of this nailing you into the floor." I see silent tears glisten down her cheeks.

A squeeze at my hand. Aaron. He looks at me apologetic, smiles sadly. I understand. I squeeze Martha's shoulder and leave the room with Aaron.

She stays in there for hours, weeping with my father. She says he woke and they spoke slightly.

We had then busied ourselves with the duties of the kingdom and kept our minds busy.

Now, we retire to a sitting room full of wondrous windows and light for tea. She tells me stories of when they too were Aaron and my age. I had to steer away from some of the tales, the much more.... Risqué ones. I certainly do not need to be enlightened on those details.

"Aaron, dear, do you not like your tea?" Martha asks, eyeing the cup he's been holding and swishing every few seconds. I raise an eye, I know chamomile is his favorite.

"Oh.... I... Just am not too thirsty at the moment. Think I have been drinking too much tea in fact, I might turn into tea." He chuckles and blushes. Martha smiles and hums, patting his knee.


"Well, you two boys, oh! Pardon me, men, princes, in fact! This day has been long and trying. I am going to retire to my chambers now, my old ones, so your father can get his much needed rest undisturbed. Send one of my ladies if you're in need of something." She stands and I offer to walk her back. She declines. "I need sometime to think, but thank you my dear."

I ponder, on how such a long day could also feel so short.


"Yes, love?" I turn to look at Aaron, his face propped on his hand.

"I think I'm going to rest now as well. I feel exhausted." He doesn't even have to tell me. His eyes are barely open and his shoulders droop.

"Come, my love. I'll walk you to our bed." Hand in hand, we make it to our chambers.

"I love you so much, Alexander. Never forget that, no matter what. Okay? Promise me you will never forget that." He lays in bed, hand around my wrist.

"Of course baby! I love you so much too. I promise. Don't you worry. Now sleep, honey." I kiss him, then blow out the lights.

Once I know he nodded off, I light a candle at the desk in my room. Quill and ink. I want to write but I don't know what. When was the last time I wrote for fun? I don't know. I worry for my father, his health on the decline. Wonder at my husband, who's been acting strange. Ponder at my mother, what will she decide to do once- if- Washington leaves us. Am I truly ready to rule a nation? What about Aaron? Nono he is very capable... Just... I worry about him. Where will my mother go? She won't want to stay here, I doubt it. To her noble friends with her royal ladies? Oh, Alexander, stop thinking like that. He will be fine. Just a sickness like one you got as a child. Drops of medicine every hour or so.

"God!" I slam my hands on my desk, instantly regretting it. My hands sting and my eyes do too. I turn to make sure Aaron wasn't startled. He still sleeps, a bit restlessly, but he sleeps on.

I don't know where I am going. My feet just carry me on. Until I reach the door. My body does the movements, my mind does not, for once, think. The door opens. I walk to the bed.

"Please. I am not ready." Tears stream my cheeks.

"My son." A weak voice answers.

"I'm not- oh God, forgive me." I grasp at his hand now, just as my mother did.

"You are ready. You are fierce. You are smart. You are loyal. Your term will be long and plenty as long as you rule with your mind and heart. I know you can do it, Alexander." Washington- my father musters a smile. "You are going to do just fine."

"Please don't go." I whisper, "I still have much to learn."

"You will learn. I'm still learning to this day what it means to be king. Go, Alexander. You lion, you will do great things." His breath is shallow, his eyes flutter. "Long live... King Alexander." I feel his grip go limp. His eyes stare up at the ceiling.

He is just admiring the art, I tell my self. He is just admiring the art and is very tired.

I break. Tears. Gasping.

King Washington is Dead.

Hoped it was sufficient. I'll try to pick up on a normal updating schedule again. Also, I didn't edit, like, at all soooooo.... O~O

Thanks for reading <3 love you all and have a good day/night

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2019 ⏰

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