Chapter 14: Enlightenment

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Needless to say, Thor was typically unaware of his brother's wiles. The trouble he got himself into was usually unheard of, and Thor dressed for the day as if nothing had happened. In his mind, nothing did. He had not heard of their capture or of Ulric's trickery. He only worried about the future task at hand.

Carrying along his usually cheerful countenance, Thor barged through Loki's door to see if he was awake, announcing the morning, only to be disappointed to find that his brother was not there.

He went to Jennica's room, knocking and getting the same result. She wasn't there either.

Confused and curious, he left down the hallway, finding Ulric once he was near the throne room.

"Oh, you're up!" The king said, smiling in acknowledgment. "I trust you had a pleasant night's rest?"

Thor nodded. "Yes, of course."

"The cooks should have breakfast ready soon. About ten minutes at most, I should say. I hope you'll be hungry!"

Nodding, Thor began to study his mannerisms, cheek twitching in thought. "Thank you." As Ulric was about to end the conversation and leave, he asked, "Do you know where Loki and Jennica went? They were not in their rooms."

Feigning confusion, Ulric spun back towards him on his heel, cocking his head to the side. "Oh, I do believe they went for a stroll through the village moments ago. I would imagine you won't see them for quite awhile." Ulric explained, although seemingly distracted, "I'm sorry, I have something of great importance to attend to. I hope to see you later."

Thor watched as Ulric rushed away. His brows knit from the eager departure and for once, something in his heart, like an intuition, told him that there was trouble. Possibly. He tried not to think much of it, so he left the castle in hopes of spotting his brother and Jennica somewhere in the village.

Passing a guard on his way out, Thor thought it best to ask if he had seen the pair pass by. When he asked, the guard shook his head and replied,

"I have been standing here since the sun rose. Not a soul has attempted to leave or enter."

This worried Thor, who replied, "Your king told me otherwise. If they did not leave the castle, where are they?"

"The king is a very busy man. I am sure he was only mistaken. Now, move along."

Thor frowned. "Do you know where else they could be?"

The guard stiffened and ignored Thor's question, obviously annoyed.

Shrugging and walking back inside, Thor began searching, growing confused and worried when no sign of Loki or Jennica could be found.

It's just a minor dose of miscommunication. Nothing to worry about...

But he was worried. For the first time in a long time, Thor was finally worried about where his brother could be hiding. Jennica was in no sweet spot, either.

It wasn't until he saw Vigdis in the hallway that he dropped his thoughts to confront her. She had been serving Jennica during their stay. Maybe she would have answers.

"Miss, you're Jennica's maid, aren't you?" He began, trying to speak as gently as she could. This servant seemed to cower under his gaze, or maybe it was an act. "Do you know where she is?"

After a moment of hesitation, she answered, "Jennica left her room very early this morning by herself... to the village." Vigdis expected that to be the end of their conversation, but Thor put a hand on her shoulder before she could leave, and he said,

"Loki has gone with her. That is what your king told me. Why would they leave?"

Vigdis squirmed beneath his gaze. Growing nervous of what Thor might do if he found out, she continued her lie.

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