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✽ Welcome everyone to the advice column. It’s the place where your questions, problems, and subjects will all be answered ✽

Two people are doing this article so there are two answers about the certain question. So today we have a question that has been a dilemma to most only fan-fiction writers, but also for all the authors on Wattpad.
When should I update my stories? - Anonymous


I think it depends on what you're going for. Stories that are posted over a long period of time will get more reviews for a couple of reasons. First off, people are more likely to post "update please" messages if you leave them without another chapter for several weeks. Also, more time will pass so logically more people will open the page.
On the other hand if you post it quickly, or post it all at once, you eliminate most if not all of the "update please" reviews and after a few days, it will fall from the first page of the page and new readership will decline. However, I think that readers appreciate the story more if it is posted all at once or in a timely fashion, so I think you get more loyal readers.
I've only been writing for around one year, and have turned out several stories in that time, and while all of them have relatively few reviews, I already have several people who send me PMs, have me on author alert, and read everything I write, and that means a lot more to me than having 150 people whining for an update. It all comes down to what you want to get out of your writing.

It all comes down to what you want to get out of your writing.

As for the time of the week to post, that seems rather unpredictable to me. I've had two days with an unusually large amount of hits (Both days got 5 times the normal number of hits I was getting with similar updates). One of those days was a Wednesday and one was a Thursday. So I'm going to say mid-week is probably the best time to post. I've also noticed less people posting at that time so you get a longer time on the front page. For me though, I just post whenever I get something done, whether it's two in the morning on a Monday or Thursday afternoon. Maybe someone else who has been here longer can give you more exact advice.


Ah, this question is critical for all of us. When should I update? This is the question that is roaming around our minds and is making us lose track of our time schedule. Now, it depends on each person’s free time and inspiration.


If you are a middle school student, you have plenty of free time. But you have to concentrate in studying too! Because your program is lighter than a high schooler’s, you can do your homework and then immediately log in Wattpad and write a chapter (I’m talking because I’m currently going through this xD). I propose to you two solutions:


1. You can update your story/stories two times in week. Most preferable is Tuesday and Friday because: Monday has passed and the program is a bit lighter// Friday is the day that everyone will vote and read your story, I don’t know why, but it does. You can prepare better during weekend so you can just check grammar errors and such in those days.


2. You can update once a week or you can start writing some chapters before you publish your story which gives you an advantage of time.


If you are a High School student, you must focus to your studies. I know that you want to stay all day on Wattpad and continue writing your stories or do multiple other things but that will not help you to your studies. Though, I have a small idea for you:


Lets say that you have to update 3 stories. Then, I have exactly what you need! Firstly, choose the story you have the most inspiration now. When you finish with your homework, you can write at least half of its chapter. You update the chapter of this story. Then, you choose randomly a second story and you update it too. This will keep up for the amount of weeks you want; the only things which'll change is the second story updated. It will be either the second or the third story you have the smallest amount of inspiration.


Sorry for not helping much but that's all I can think of ^^

If you want to ask more questions about Naruto or fanfictions, send a private message either to Kurama91 or to SleepyNinjaa. Thank you all!

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