New Day

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ANN: watching supernatural, and the kingdom of hearts seems to long and to complicated, trying to get 11 people persepctives is almost impossible. Solution, make a new fan fiction, but go easy! cause that Kingdom Heart thing is to complex. Since it's the first time doing this anyway!

Sam looked outside his window, in a cool Autumn morning as the sun rose up from the horizon. It's been a week since Bobby took custody of both Dean and Sam as Bobby both found them hiding in his junkyard from John, searching for the boys, with a brass knuckle in one hand. From then, Sam couldn't escape his memories from the abuse.

His alarm clock rang as walked up to the night table to press the off button on it. Sam then saw Dean enter his room, knowing that he would always wake up in the middle of the night with nightmares of the past.

"Hey, Sammy, Breakfast in 5"

Sam nodded as he grabbed his bag from the desk and slowly walked down stairs to see a plate of bacon and eggs on the table, where he slowly took a piece of bread from the table as he nibbled it down slowly.

"Another fresh start huh" said Dean, as he sat down and began to take a bite of bacon from his plate.

 "Yeah" whispered Sam as he looked at the price of bread.  

With Dad in jail we can move on.

When they got to school, Sam walked got out as he heard Dean call his name. 

"Make some new friends" said Dean.

Sam rolled his eyes, it's not like he was going to talk to anyone, where the only person who was his friend was Jessica, which he died after saving Dean and Sam. 

Sam blames himself for Jessica's death as he was afraid that if he make a friend, something bad might happen He took a breath as he waked into the building. 

After getting his schedule, Algebra, he sat down at the side of the classroom where he couldn't notice a tall guy, with a green button front shirt, black T-shirt, and a pair of jeans, with a silver chain with a devil wing at the front.

The guy turned his head as Sam looked back at the board where he found himself turning red. 

"Okay guys, this should be enough, since this is the first day back and all, you should all know each other" said Mrs. Sheen as she opened up her laptop, with the next lesson plan. 

Just then, Sam felt a tap on his shoulder as he turned around to see a red headed girl behind him.

"You're new here right" she said.

Sam nodded his head.

"I moved not too long ago"

The girl sighed in relief as she laid back from her chair. 

"And I thought I'll be stuck being the new kid, I'm Charlie by the way"


The two of them had chatted, seeing that they had a lot in common, such as the music, the T.V. series, and the novels as the read, in which Sam founded himself a instant best friend.

As the bell rang for second period, science, the same blond hair guy sat beside Sam as he couldn't help blush, just then a guy, with the same blond hair, with green eyes, wearing a green button shirt and black pants.

"Shit, he's cute" Thought Sam as he stared at his laptop

The science teacher Mr. Solvak, came in and began to write down his name on the board. 

"Welcome to science class, and things are going to explosive around here" said Mr. Solvak as he began to pull out the Periodic table on the board.

"So to welcome the first day back in class, how about chemistry experimennts"

"Fuck yeah" said Lucifer as he placed his feet on his desk, and his hands behind his head as if he was on the beach.

"Language Mr. Helen, for this project, I will be putting you into pairs"

He then wrote the pairs onto the board. Sam looked at his name to see that he was going to work with Lucifer, he turned his head to see Lucifer in the same position, as he couldn't help but smile a bit at the bad boy. 

The two of then then found a bunch of beakers in front of them as they began their chemistry experiment. 

"Do you want to start measuring the"

Lucifer then began to open the containment as he began mixing random.

"What the hell" 

Just then the mixture began to bubble up violently as the beakers began to explode. 

"That was fun wasn't it" he said as he grinned at Sam.

Sam couldn't help but a smile a little bit as he looked into his eyes.

"Lucifer, Sam, what did you two do" said Mr Solvak as he liked at their work station with a broken beakers and split liquid over the desk. 

"It's called experimenting, you're a chem teacher, you should know" 

Sam couldn't help but laugh a little.

"That's a detention for you Mr. Helen" 

Lucifer rolled his eyes as he took the detention slip.

"Gabriel, could you work with Sam on this one"

Gabriel moved to Sam as he put a lollipop in his mouth.

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