What the-

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Sam couldn't believe his eyes as he thought he was dreaming.

"Who the hell are you" said Lucifer as Sam sat to the next seat beside him.

"His daddy, John"

"Oh god" visions of the past flashed into his eyes as Sam was breathing rapidly.

"Sam, Sam" said Lucifer and he placed his hand onto Sam's back.

"Come on Sammy, come home" said John as he tried to lay his hand onto his shoulder. 

"Get you hand off of him" said Lucifer.

"Don't speak to me like that" said John

"Don't give him PTSD" said Lucifer.

"What are you  how are you" said Sam, as he tried to find one question to ask his dad, between breaths as he breathed rapidly.

"Your coming home, with me" 

John forcefully dragged Sam, with Lucifer countering his hand.

"Lay off old man"

"Want to fight" 

Lucifer punched John in the face, grabbed Sam onto his back as the two of them jumped down from the second floor.

"Damn it"

The two of them ran out of the building and rode back to Lucifer's place as he sped down the road.

"Sam stay with me" said Lucifer.

"Daddy" said Sam as he clutched onto Lucifer tightly. 

Lucifer felt Sam's breath breathing on him rapidly as he kept speeding down the road. Afterwards, he grabbed Sam and got him into his bedroom where he helped Sam from his panic mode.

"Just look at me" said Lucifer, 

"Slowly breath, that's it"

After a moment. Lucifer laid beside Sam as he drank a bottle of beer, placing his hands onto Sam's shoulder. After Sam calmed down, Lucifer took another sip of his bottle.

"What happened back there" said Lucifer as he looked at Sam, while holding beer bottle .

"It's nothing" said Sam as he laid onto the bed

Lucifer then handed another a can of beer to Sam as he looked at him.

"It's not a request" 

Sam took the can as he drank, hoping to drown out tonight, thinking that it was just a nightmare. After a moment, Sam fell asleep next to Lucifer, as Lucifer slowly wrapped his arms.

"Good night Sam" said Lucifer as he kissed the top of his forward,

"Daddy, No" Sam muttered in his sleep, where Lucifer pulled Sam's body closer to him.

"He's not here" whispered Lucifer.

Lucifer then found his eyes grow heavy as he fell asleep. 

Morning came as Sam slowly opened his eyes, he found himself wrapping his arms around Lucifer. A cold breeze came from the window, where the curtains blew brefly. 

Sam tried to think about what happened last night, but he didn't even want to know if he actually saw his Dad or not, he closed his eyes again as snuggled his head into Lucifer's body.

Lucifer wasn't really asleep, he was thinking about the all of last night, dancing around and having fun with Sam, he looked at Sam as he felt his warm breath onto his shoulder. Lucifer ran his fingers through Sam's hair as he smiled every time he takes a long a breath. 

Just then Sam's phone rang, where Lucifer took Sam's phone and saw that Dean was calling, Lucifer smiled as he picked up the phone.

Sammy, where are you, you never called home, yelled at you about that later, but you're not going to believe this, but dad is out of prison, I don't know how but I heard he's here.

"Sam can't come to the phone right now, since he's still asleep." said Lucifer as he ran his hand through Sam's hair. 

"Lucifer, what the fuck are you doing with Sam's phone"  said Dean.

"Let's just say Sam had a rough night, but he crashed with me" 

Dean sighed on the other side of the phone. 

"When he gets up, tell him to call me, and did he drink" 

Lucifer stayed quietly as he looked at Sam.

"He didn't"

"You should learn how to live" said Lucifer as he hanged up the phone. 

Sam woke up as he found the bed empty on one side, and heard the T.V. blaring from the room. He found himself still wearing the shirt that Lucifer loaned him. He slowly got up and looked at his phone where he stared at the clock.

"Why didn't you wake me up" he said as Lucifer turned his eyes on him.

"You were still escaping a bad dream" he shrugged as he smiled.

"What dream"

Lucifer took out his phone where he played a video of the escape last night.

"Holy shit, what happened last night" said Sam as the video had over 200 views.

"Your dad was working for Crowley diner."

"Oh god I got to tell dean"

He took out his phone and dialed Dean, where he placed his phone away from his face after Dean yelling at him.

"Can you just skip to the important thing" said Sam as he sat onto the table.

"Dad's out of jail" said Dean as he Sam eyes widen.

"How did he get out" said Sam.

"I don't know, but whatever you were last night, don't go near that diner" said Dean.

"How did you know about it" said Sam.

"Two words, YouTube, did Lucifer actually carried you on his back"


"Anyway, I'll pick you up"

Just the Lucifer grabbed Sam's phone and placed it on speaker.

"Where are you"

"My place" said Lucifer as he spoke onto the phone.

"What's 'my place' Lucifer" said Dean.

"Look, I'll just take him back" said Lucifer as he hanged up the phone.

Sam took of the shirt that Lucifer loaned him as he placed onto the table and got back into his normal clothes. 

A moment later, Sam arrived at his home as Dean waited him at the door.

"This can't be true, it can't be true" said Sam looking at Dean.

Dean looked at him in silence as he looked to the ground. 

"I can't believe he's back" said Dean as he looked at Sam.

"No, No, No, No" said Sam as he placed his face into his hands.

"Sam, calm down" said Dean, 

"I don't want to go through this again" 

"Again", Dean raised his eyebrows as he looked at Sam in a confusing look.

"We can't go back there, not after everything we went through" 

Sam then felt a hand onto his shoulder, where Bobby stood behind them as Dean hugged Sam. 

"It's going to be okay, I won't let him take you, both of you" said Bobby.

Sam cried into Dean's chest as Dean patted him in the back.

"What did Dad do to you" Thought Dean as he continued rubbing Sam's back. 

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