Didn't have a clue

21 1 0

Sam found Gabriel at history class, who was listening to some music, as Sam took his seat beside him.

"Hey" said Gabriel, weakly as he quickly looked at Sam.

Sam sighed as he placed his book onto his desk.

"Gabriel, I am so sorry, you see I was hoping that I met with you, which I swear, I did, but Lucifer came in, and thought you were a total no show at my locker, so I thought he would give a ride to your place and I didn't get your text, since we were in the middle of the woods"

Gabriel looked at Sam and smiled as he kept  rambling on about yesterday.

"Dude I get" he said

Sam looked at him in surprsise

"You were pissed this morning"

Gabriel rested his head onto his hand as he looked at Sam.

"I'm still a bit pissed but I've moved on, after sleeping in science class.

"Do you wanna come over and do this assignment, plus hang out" asked Gabriel.

Sam nodded his head, where Gabriel grinned. 

A while later, Sam, with Gabriel both walked to the parking lot, where Sam saw Dean waiting for him at his car.

"Can I go to Gabriel's " asked Sam, wondering if Dean was still mad about yesterday.

"As long as he doesn't take you out in the middle of nowhere and spend the night in a forest over looking a cliff" said Dean with a smile. 

Sam and Gabriel got into the car, where Dean started up the engine and began driving down the road, as they arrive to the Novak Residence. 

Castile opened the front door as he saw the Impala pull up onto their driveway, Gabriel got out, and dragged Sam into their house.

Dean got out as Castiel walked down onto the driveway.

"Hey Castiel" said Dean as he felt turning red.

"Hi" said Castiel, nervously, as he clutched the strap on his messenger bag.

"I'm glad Sam's okay" 

"Thanks, you heading somewhere"

"The Mall, for more art stuff" he said.

"If you want, I could go with you" 

Castiel smiled as the two of them went into the car and drove off. 

"Come on Sammy" said Gabriel as he continued to drag Sam into his house.

"Hey Anna,  said Gabriel as he passed his two older siblings.

"Hey, is this the new friend who ditched you yesterday" said Anna as she smiled at Sam.

"Oh yeah, and his begging is so cute" said Gabriel. 

The two of them entered Gabriel's room where Sam sat down onto Gabriel's bed, and Gabriel sitting on the window, opening up his laptop. 

After a while. Gabriel closed his laptop, as he looked at Sam. 

"That is all I can take for today, french is pain" said Gabriel where he looked at Sam, who was also closing his laptop.

"We managed to get the project done" said Sam as he placed his laptop back into his bag. 

Sam closed his laptop and looked at Gabriel, which Gabriel looked back at him.

"What do you have around here for fun" said Sam as he laid his his head down, staring up the ceiling. 

"Several video games, said Gabriel as he turned his concel   and opened up Kingdom Hearts

"Anna hate it when I play this game" said Gabriel as Sam grabbed the second controller from the night table. 

"Why is that" said Sam as he selected a charcter

"I can never  pass this level" he said as he rolled onto his back. 

Hour passed by as the two boys laughed at the game, where the two of them were being beaten by the final level. 

"Almost there Sammy" said Gabriel as they pressing buttons non stop. 


Just then the two of them jumped up, hearing Dean's voice echoed through the room, just to see Castiel and Dean standing at the doorway. Gabriel looked back at the screen, where the words game over was displayed. 

"Thanks for helping us lose" said Gabriel as he crossed his arms.

"Sorry, anyway, I talked to Bobby and he said that we could stay over for the night" 

Dean tossed Sam's duffel bag in front of him as he and Castiel entered Gabriel's room. 

"What are you playing this time" said Castiel as he and Dean joined Sam and Gabriel, grabbing the controllers. 

Castiel smiled 

"It's four on one with this one" said Castiel as he and Dean sat onto the floor. 

The four of them were pressing buttons continuously as they the screen displayed game over.

"Can we please use cheat codes now" said Dean as he laid down onto the ground.

"Where is the fun in that" said Sam as he looked laid down onto the bed. 

He found Dean asleep, leaning onto Castiel. Castiel smiled as he picked up Dean and carried him to his room.

"Night boys" said Castiel.

"Night Cassy"

Gabriel grabbed a pillow and a blanket from his closet as he walked to the princess balcony, where he couldn't help giggle to himself.

"What are you laughing at" said Sam, as places his sheets onto him,

"You heard how Lucifer has rode his motorcycle across the field"

"That was funny" said Sam as he turned to his side.

"And one of the worst masterpiece I have created"

Sam looked at him

"You planned all that"

"One of them, when we dated"

"You dated Lucifer" asked Sam.

"A long time ago, we broke up a couple of summer's ago" Gabriel said as he looked outside at the moon.

"We broke up last summer"

"Tell me about  it" said Sam, as moved to the window bench.

"The whole school found out that him and I, as we used to play several pranks around school, which would get me grounded and suspended a lot from the school, plus Anna grounds me for weeks. Our first kiss was during the fourth of July, the magical moment was when the fireworks started."

"One summer, we were hanging out at the mall, when I met up with him"

He paused as he laid down, 

"Let's just say it's a long story, he's not the guy you would want to be around with."

Sam looked at him in confused, as Gabriel threw his blankets onto himself.

"I'm glad that I can talk to you, beside Castiel, since we were kids, the only friends I had was T.V., the internet, and video games. Growing up was fun when you're home alone with the T.V. on.

Sam smiled as he placed a blanket onto the sleeping Gabriel.

"I'm glad I met you too"

Sam stared at the ceiling. He was now curious as he looked at Gabriel, who was sleeping, under the moonlight. Sam smiled as he slowly closed his eyes and slept. 

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