| THREE | Tripping Over Redundancy, Onto My Bedroom Floor.

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Just like most kids you'll meet, I questioned my sexual orientation. Though, instead of the thirty percent  that stepped out of the closet; I  was the lucky fifteen precent that stumbled out. It seems I managed to urk my parents, who tried to  convince me otherwise of my sexual  awakening. I had realized after developing a crush on a friend. It was the sixth grade, I had just switched schools and only had one close friend. It was my neighbor, a girl I had met when I was just merely eleven years old; she had moved in across the street. Though, it wasn't the friend I had feelings for. June of sixth grade, the last day of school. This girl told everyone that she was bisexual. I unfortunately had no clue what that meant. My entire life, or at least  up until that point, I was under the impression that I had to be straight. Of course, there was crushes on beautiful teachers I had when I was younger; but I assumed I just wanted to earn their graceful looks and characteristics. Looking back on it, they were all certainly crushes. I asked a few friends about what it meant. Though,being very into One Direction at the time; I was an avid 'Larry' shipper. I digress; so, I was still uncertain of the definition that belonged to the word 'Bisexual' by that June. Doing as most kids who aren't close with their parents did, I turned to the Internet. I stumbled upon misinformation, such as ' the lesbian on top grows a penis ' and ' lesbian mothers aren't fit to parent '. Though, it took me a long time to get all of the right information, I'm also still learning.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2018 ⏰

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