All of his friends

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When the other boy started talking to me j (nickname for bully) got meaner and meaner he started calling me worse names then brat and butt. since R (the name for the boy who was nice to me)was friends with J, R was banned from talking to me so I started making friends with the other girls in my class and made to great friends mo and angile they were there when j was being a dick and stood up for me but he started to make fun of them so I fought back but he found out who I liked and hung that over me so I had to stay silent through the insults I know this sounds stupid but that was a lot for me I had anxiety and he was making it worse and one day I snapped and told the teacher but let's just say that this teacher was not good at her job. He told the whole class that I like a R and R started to hate me and he started to bully me that's when all hell broke loss.

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