Chapter 11: ABDUCTION

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 Mascara hugs my eyelashes, making my blue eyes bright and round. My eyelashes flutter like a feather against my cheeks, which are tinted in pink while my cheekbones are sprinkled with a rose-gold, metallic contour. A smirk sneaks on my deep purple lips.

My eyes roam with a spark of approval at my curled hair and tight black top. My soft, but close-fit, pants are cut in triangle designs, showing off my legs. It has been too long since I have dressed up for a party. It brings memories of late nights, tall drinks, and drunk Emma.

The only time I got waisted at a party was after I had broken it off with Andrew, but Emma had no problem with overindulging.

But watching my own glowing form in the mirror, I can almost see Andrew standing behind me, also getting ready for the party. I can picture Andrew holding my hand, walking me into the dorm, dancing with me until everyone else falls asleep.

The idea of feeling Andrew close to me again brings a brighter light in my eyes.

We can work. Headmaster Glinda will see this whole situation my way. She can't argue against me or Andrew having another fair shot at the Test.

Though something tugs at me in the darkest part of my mind. Andrew has been in the Outercity Training Facility for almost two weeks. Just thinking about what he might have seen or done in the Outercity makes the pit in my stomach a little colder.

But it's only two weeks of training. It has to be nothing more than factory work or something like that. Perhaps he hasn't had a chance to be exposed to the Outercity. Maybe I can still save him from entering.

My eyes turn hard, and I clinch my jaw.

"You look stunning! Ready to go?" Jennifer invades my mirror with her white dressed form.

I shiver off thoughts about Andrew and nod. I can't save him this second, all I can do is wait for Headmaster Glinda. Patience is key.

Jennifer and I walk a few floors down to some other girl's dorm. While I was being held hostage by Ida's games, Emma has been making many, many friends. Which I was proud of, no matter how uncomfortable it was to enter the dorm with curious stares all over me. Apparently, some people made note of my absence these last weeks.

What was odder was during the party. I never had any problems with talking or connecting with people. I shouldn't, my mother has taught me all the tricks of the trade. But it seems like no one at this party is interested in looking at me, much less talking to me.

My earlier excitement is now twisted into me sitting on someone's bed while twirling a mysterious concoction in an unmarked cup. Emma is cornered by an unrecognizable boy, but she didn't seem to mind. Though Daniel, who has been watching Emma all night, seems to mind a great deal.

I'll have to ask Emma about that story. And every other story.

So much has gone on over the last two weeks. So many names are being thrown around, and I'm too embarrassed to ask who or what happened because on some level, I feel like I should already know.

If Ida wasn't a freak, I wouldn't be sitting alone.

"Hey, Cassandra! We are about to play a game, wanna play?" Jennifer asks.

I decide Jennifer is now my new favorite.

"Yeah sure! Let me just run to the restroom real quick, and I'll be right there!" I put down my concoction and slip out the dorm.

Hopefully the game won't like I-Have-Never. I don't know if I can get through another one of those. Then again, we could be mud wrestling, and I wouldn't complain.

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