Chapter 24: UNLOCKED

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"Now it makes sense," I laugh, thinking about his open eyes, his kind words. Why did I think that everyone was done acting? When did I assume that it was okay to listen to him like he actually cared? "You bring me here, tell me what I did wrong and how I screwed you all over, and then," an unladylike cackle escapes my throat, "you try to make me feel like you're doing me a favor by keeping me here." His eyebrows raise, surprised at my outburst. "What? Did you think I would just say 'yes'—"

"Just wait—"

"No, no, you thought I would be happy to help, didn't you? You thought I'd try to make up my mistakes and be your Messenger, but you forgot something." I stand, plant my hands on the desk, and lean forward, forgetting for a moment that he holds all the cards, my life, in his hands. "I was treated like trash, blamed for the attack by those rapists, and saw the way you treat that little boy like a soldier. Why would I help you?"

I expect Kendrick to turn against me and show me the Chief who stared down at me at the trial, who yelled at Cole in the gym, but the Kendrick I see only shrinks at my accusations. It maddens me to see him take it like he knows he deserves it. "If you won't help me, then what about Cole? He relies on the Stingrays. It's his home."

Cole's proud face penetrates my thoughts, but I push it away. "Anything that happens to him is your fault. The best thing you could have done for that boy was give him an education, make him take the Test, give him a better life. Anything less than that is your fault."

Kendrick pinches his lips, "We are his family."

"Sometimes family isn't good enough!" Spit flies from my teeth. The words fly back at me, and I stop cold and compose myself, ignoring Kendrick's stare drilling into me. "I want to go back to my room."

"If we fix this war with the Swordfish, I can bring you back to the OTF." His voice is still soft, almost begging.

"'If" isn't good enough" It wasn't good enough for the ITF, and it's not for me.

Kendrick's door swings open and footsteps approach us. I wait for Kendrick to say anything, but he only stares at me like he has a frog in his mouth. The tension between us breaks when the intruder clears their throat.

Kendrick sighs, "What is it, Colby?"

"There's been some complaints on the East side. The people are saying there have been Swordfish hanging by the markets."

"Hunters?" Kendrick asks.

"The same ones Rayn ran into." Colby replies.

The Swordfish that chased me flashes through my mind, remembering how he moved like a cat about to torture its prey. I remember his knowing smile as he circled me in the street, practically salivating over his soon-to-be kill. He's probably sizing up the people around the market, picking his victims, or...

"Are they here for me?" I cut in.

"No," Colby and Kendrick say. Colby continues, "It wouldn't make sense. You served your purpose for them, and I doubt anyone would risk coming here to kill you."

"Wow thanks," I say with a bitter bite.

"You were the door for them to enact war," Kendrick presses again. "The Hunters are probably just trying to intimidate us or scope out the Eastside."

"Then why send Hunters?" Colby asks.

Kendrick's brow furrows. Colby and Kendrick share a silent look, their minds turning so fast, I swear I can see their foreheads pulsing. I lean into them, waiting to hear their theories, and worrying that Kendrick is right. Maybe they are trying to keep me safe, but if they are, how safe can I be if the Swordfish hunters are creeping in the Territory.

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