12- A Message From The Omnics

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Something was happening upstairs.

I lent my head up when I heard the stomping and yelling. I frowned. There had to be the entire Los Muertos gang running. My lamp on my bedside table was shaking because of it. I tried to sit up but pain shot through my back like lightning. I cried out, forcing myself to lie back down again.
I heard running outside my room. I titled my head to the door as much as I could without dying of pain, and saw a silhouette outside my room. Their hand was tapping furiously at the keypad, as if failing to enter the four-digit code even though it was easy as hell. At last, the silhouette finally got it and the door glided open. Harry ran in, his arms held out, already carefully lifting my up out of bed.

"Harry?! What's happening?!" I asked him.

"We just got a message. It wasn't scheduled, and we weren't told about it." He said. "It was unexpected."

"Who is the message from?"

"I don't know yet. You'll have to ask Arcadia. She knows."

I frowned. "Arcadia? Isn't she the one who doesn't know English?"

Harry nodded. We were running down the long hall outside my room. I could see the stairwell leading up to the main area of the building. Harry ran up the stairs, each step sending spikes of pain up my back, however I didn't say anything because I didn't want to annoy him. Not that he would get annoyed, he's not like that, I just don't want to be a nuisance.

We made it up the stairwell and it was chaos. Dozens upon dozens of people running past each other, and sometimes even into each other. They all seemed to be heading one direction; the signal room. The doors were filling up with people trying to get in. Harry surveyed the massacre and knew which way to go. He went left, running past everyone and dashed through a tiny gap in the crowd, just before it filled in again. We made our way down to the front of the signal room, near the control desks with many buttons that did.. something. Who knows, who cares.

A lady with blue hair came up to Harry and I. She smiled at us, however the smile seemed rushed, worried. Well, I don't blame her, a message from random people and chaos happening around us? You'd think my smile would be like that too. But.. it's not. Arcadia looked at me.

"Hola. Mi nombre es Arcadia."

Hello. My name is Arcadia.

"Hola." I said back.

"Recientemente recibimos un mensaje de una señal que no conocemos." She said urgently.

We recently received a message from a signal we do not know.

I smiled at her, at least trying to calm her down from what she was in. "¿Cuál era el nombre o la etiqueta de la señal?"

What was the name or label of the signal?

"Null Sector." Arcadia said.

I heard Harry swear under his breath. I turned my head to him and frowned.

"Null.. Sectorrrr...?" I asked him, extending the R for at least two seconds.

"The omnics." He replied. "Evil robots that want to take over the world or something like that."

I bit my lip, thinking about everything.

A loud screech blared throughout the signal room and I cried in pain, the soundwaves seeming to rack my brain and body sending spikes of pain in my back. In an instance, Harry covered my ears as the loud screech started to fade away.

"Everyone! Calm down! It's going to be OK." a voice echoed. "Everyone is... surprisingly somehow all in this room, and we are now going to play the message. Please stay quiet so everyone else can hear."

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