65 | familiar

10 0 0

65 | familiar

Goosebumps scattered
across my once flushed skin,
sending shivers up my spine.

An odd, yet familiar ache
forms in my chest.
Every second,
the pounding
gradually gains

Soft hums escape
my chapped lips,
a familiar tune
slipping from
my tongue.

Every seems so foreign
but deep inside,
I know that it
is all too familiar.

The aches in the chest,
the numb feeling
spreading like wild fire,
the goosebumps scattered
across my once tainted flesh.

it is all
too familiar.

The aching throbs in my head
that only worsen as
a familiar voice whispers
softly in my head.

The whispers,
the pain,
the numbnessㅡ
is too familiar.

and I hate that
it is so familiar.

sorry by the rose really got in the feels

the emotions of the members'
vocals areㅡwow

listen to this live if you dont believe me:

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