Part 6

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Lauren tilted her head in thought. "Well, the poster did a nice job setting that up for us. All we have to do is act the part. And c'mon, don't be a stranger, with all the rumors going around, we're practically lovers already."
Camila snorted, feeling a little more confident thanks to Lauren's easygoing attitude about the whole thing. She gave Camila a look as if asking her if she was ready, and offered her hand. With a gulp, Camila linked her hand in hers and couldn't help but notice how much bigger they were compared to hers. Then they started to walk towards the school building and that was the beginning of one of the biggest scandals in the school. Everyday was like a page out of a gossip magazine. The first time they walked into the school together, people went crazy and their names were on everyone's tongue. Camila had tried her best to "act the part" as Lauren said, but if people were looking, it wouldn't have mattered because Lauren made everything so real. She could've been an actress with how much of a show she was playing everyone. Even Camila wasn't sure what was real and what wasn't sometimes.
Camila could recall one time during lunch break, while she was with Dinah and Ally, Lauren showed up out of nowhere and stole her away. She came around and put an arm around her shoulders and told Camila's friends so effortlessly that she was hers for the day and even added a peck on her cheek for flavor. They ended up eating together, of course. Laughing away as they talked about everyone's reactions. Camila supposed that was technically their first date. If she was honest, she was kind of having fun. Seeing everyone's faces stretched agape and all those who'd talked shit all quiet now in their corners. It was especially amusing to see Dinah dumbfounded and shocked and without a word to say for once. She didn't know how she'd ended up so into their pretend, but she was. It most likely had to do with Lauren's convincing performance. She truly stuck to her word as they met up and saw each other everyday. She'd have them hold hands and link arms and hug and although it took some time for Camila to get used to it and to get comfortable doing it herself, they even starting kissing one another. On the cheeks at first, then quick pecks on the lips, and then longer holds as the girls got more bold. Camila had to remind herself that it was all just pretend so that she wouldn't get embarrassed. It didn't count, she'd try to justify. Naturally, Camila had to meet Lauren's friends which wasn't as bad as she'd thought it'd be. Although, that didn't include the utter embarrassment of being formally announced as her girlfriend. Just like her own friends had accepted Lauren, her friends were just as accepting. They were almost like a real couple, it was both a little scary and exciting for Camila. By the time Valentines Day finally arrived, it was an all out love frenzy with the entire school raving about the "hot couple." Lauren had been so nice and gentle with Camila that even she could tolerate the holiday now and see its value. She laughed to herself as she remembered how only a week ago she was still doubting the plan. Ever the actress, Lauren had sent Camila a bouquet of roses, chocolate she noticed were from an expensive brand, and a hand written note. Her classmates teased her about the gifts, making her blush as she opened the little note.
"Am I not the best or what? You may not be the romantic type, but I know not even you are immune to Switz Chocolate. Enjoy! With love, your fake boo-boo."
Camila laughed at Lauren's sarcastic endearment. If somebody had told her that Lauren Jauregui would be giving her chocolate on Valentine's Day, she would've laughed herself into a coma. Who would've thought that they'd ever be so close now? Camila certainly would've never guessed. It was so bizarre, now that she thought about it. But as happy and positive as she was and wanted to be, she couldn't scratch the gnawing feeling in the back of her mind that'd been bothering her for awhile. Even if she didn't want to address it, it was something that she was going to have to confront eventually.
What was going to happen to them when their prank ended?
The question sank it's teeth heavy onto Camila's mind and it was all she could think about for the past few days. In reality, Camila dreaded to think about what would happen after the week was over. If she was honest, she didn't want it to end. She hoped that Lauren and her had grown close enough to call each other friends, but she couldn't say for sure what would happen when the pretext was over and they returned back to their normal lives. Would Lauren go back to ignoring her existence?
That Friday, after school, the day after Valentines Day, Camila was with Lauren in the parking lot after saying goodbye to Dinah and Ally. They were next to Lauren's yellow Jeep Wrangler when Camila pulled out a box of chocolate and handed it to the taller girl.
"As thanks for yesterday. It may not be Switz chocolate but it was $30 and I had to fight an old lady for it."
"Aww, you didn't have to. I just figured it'd be weird if the most talked about couple in school didn't give each other flowers and stuff on Valentine's Day." Lauren smiled, taking the box. "You say that but you did give me expensive chocolate."
"I like to go beyond the call of duty, ok?" They laughed at their bickering.
"Hey, look, um," Lauren changed the subject, "do you wanna come over? Later on, I mean? Actually hang out outside of school for a change?"
Camila paused at the sudden inquisition. "What? Can't get enough of me already?" She joked.
"Oh yes, you're just a doll." Lauren quipped.
She laughed, thinking about the proposition. She was thinking about a lot of things, actually. Like maybe Lauren really did see her as a friend. She was happy at the thought, but at the same time, a bit disappointed. A slight wave of goosebumps crawled under her skin and before she could understand why she felt that way, she quickly tossed the thought away.
"Sure, yeah, I'll come. What time?" Camila replied.
"How about 6:00? Here's my address..."

Lauren wrote down her address and the girls chatted some more before Camila excused herself. The taller girl smiled, and Camila had always thought so, but her smile was so intoxicating. She always felt happier seeing her smile. As if both the girls could sense the mood and the cue it needed, they slowly leaned in to kiss each other. Only a few seconds long but nevertheless Camila blushed like she always did. It surprised her how used to the kissing she'd gotten and how often she'd take the initiative, but it never cured the butterflies in her stomach every time they did it, even when she kept telling herself they didn't count. She waved goodbye and turned around; grazing her pink lips with the tip of her fingers ever so softly out of Lauren's line of sight.

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