guilty pleasure

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Hayley was walking down the streets of New Orleans searching for a suitable target to rob; u see that was her thing, she was a thieve and a manipulator, and she was good; it was probably due to the fact that she's been on her own ever since she was 13 years old; before that she just kept moving from one foster home to another until she eventually decided it was time to find her real parents, and somehow she ended up here, in the Big Easy.

She started approaching a very wealthy looking woman that was just standing down the street probably waiting for a ride, so she started sneaking out from behind her and with a very swift move she reached into her purse and pulled out the wallet, took the money that was in it and quickly returned it into the purse, and the woman didn't feel or notice a single thing the entire time; it was like magic, she calls it her gift, yes 'gift', for without it she would have been dead by now, she knew it was wrong to do so, but it's not like she had another choice.

Suddenly she hears a police siren, and she started to panic, how is that even possible? She can't be caught, hell, this is Hayley Martin; she never gets caught; she just froze there as the cops started to approach her, she was already trying to come up with an excuse, which would have been easier if she was still just a kid, a little bit of tears and a simple 'I'm sorry' with pouty lips and puppy dog eyes would have sufficed, but now that she's 22 years old she had to find another way out.

Her heart started to race, as the cops kept getting closer and started running towards her, she contemplated the thought of running but that would only have gotten her into an even bigger trouble, beside they had cars and they could easily catch her.

Then something unexpected happened, the cops that were running towards her, passed her and kept running, and then she turned around only to see that they weren't after her, they were after someone else.

It was a masked man running through the streets caring a back pack, which she figured had money in it, I mean what else could it be? The man was fast, swift and very illusive; it was as if he's an expert; of course he had to be an expert, if he's managing to escape the 6 cops that are after him.

Hayley just stood there admiring his every move; he was like a ninja, he climbed and jumped off a very high fence as if he was a monkey, it took less than a second from him to get to the other side; as the cops were still trying to climb it, he managed to get beat the other 2 that just got here, and kept running, Hayley's eyes never left him, she kept admiring his skills, and apparently he noticed her admiration and started running directly towards her, and before she knew it she was his hostage.

He put his hand around her waist and pulled her backwards and their bodies collided, "sorry, love, nothing personal" he whispered into her ear with a very sexy British accent, he then put a gun to the side of her head. The cops already recovered, drew their guns as well, "let the girl go" one of them demanded. Hayley knew what she had to do in order to get out of this mess.

"Please don't let him kill me, I'm an only child and both my parents are elder and can't take care of themselves, if anything happens to me they'll die, please don't shoot, please" she pleaded, as fake tears started forming up in her eyes.

The masked man started walking backwards very slowly, pulling Hayley along with him, they got into a car and drove away really fast; he was an expert at that too, she felt as if she's in 'the fast and the furious', she looked back to see if anybody is following them, but there was no one, "they're not following us" Hayley said looking back at him; his eyes went straight to the rear view mirror and realized that she was right; "very well then, I'll let you out a couple of blocks ahead".

Hayley started looking around, not realizing this part of the city, for she was still new here, it's only been a few days, and she didn't have time to sight see.

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