Genesis: Part 2

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The longer he was forced to lay here, the more annoyed and impatient Infinite became. The Professor (who had no other name, apparently?) had ran some generic tests and then told the jackal to remain where he was. There was a faint hint that it was due to some visitors who would take him 'home', but they sure were taking their sweet time getting here.

He must have drifted off at some point, because when he looked back at the end of the examination table, there sat a cream-colored rabbit boy making funny faces at the jackal's toes.

"Who the fu-" Infinite started to shout, quickly catching the rabbit's attention and even quicker had the rabbit on top of his chest.

"Hey, hey! Shut it up!" the rabbit demanded, placing a hand over Infinite's mouth, "I've replayed this moment, like, seven times already and you always shout at me. I'm giving up this time so you better shut it."

Moving the rabbit kid's hand off his mouth, Infinite growled, "Fine." Then in a tone that went a bit quieter he asked, "Who are you?"

The rabbit kid rolled his eyes, as if it were some burden to simply tell the jackal his name.

"Look," the kid retorted. "Someone will explain who I am later, but for now just know: I ain't normal."

"No kidding."

"Not like that." the rabbit kid huffed, raising his hand to smack Infinite on the shoulder. The jackal stopped him in time by taking a rather rough hold of his wrist.

"Hit me, and I'll break your wrist." he even warned. This sufficed in scaring the rabbit kid for now as he attempted to wiggle out of Infinite's grasp.

"Fine!" the kid agreed. "Just, like, lemme go? It's no fair your grip is so good for some dude that's been sleeping for a hundred years!"

"Sleep is an odd word for it." Infinite snorted, letting go of the kid.

"Well that's what you called it." the kid claimed in return. "But that was at the fourth rewind; I should have stopped that time, you liked me more then."

Infinite cocked a cautious eyebrow at the rabbit kid. This kid kept talking about redoing time? Was that even possible? Did he even care to really know? But when the jackal was ready to ask the kid these questions, he was interrupted with someone asking,

"Saffron, what are you doing here?"

Even without seeing how had spoken, the rabbit kid shrunk in bitterness. The kid had said something (that sounded a bit like "Urg, Silver.") before he rolled his eyes in annoyance and hopped off the examination table.

"Doesn't matter." the kid grumbled as he made his leave. "You guys always ruin my interrogations."

Craning his neck a little to see who was at the door, Infinite noticed the silver-white fur of a certain hedgehog. The rabbit kid pushed his way through the taller Mobian without so much looking up.

"Maybe next time kid." Silver playfully offered, tussling up the rabbit's hair as he walked by. Saffron growled but said nothing else, leaving Silver to enter the room. Directly behind him was a female Mobian cat whose hair was tied in a french braid- the braid started out blue like the rest of her fur, but near the middle it changed to a light blonde color. In his bored musings, he would wonder if that blonde was some how natural or the cat took the time to dip dye her hair.

The two entered the room, each occupying a side of the examination table, and looked over at Infinite. An awkward silence filled the room soon enough, and no one was sure how to break it.

"Apparently Shadow had some things of yours that he wants to give back." Silver finally announced- scratching the back of his head and refusing to look at the jackal. "He and the Professor were looking over them while we got you to make sure they weren't, you know, a major threat or anything."

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