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GAYbriel: dean help I'm stuck in a bucket

TheStupidSpoon: change my name back

GAYbriel: never

TheStupidSpoon: bye

GAYbriel: fine

GAYbriel has changed TheStupidSpoon's name to Dean

Dean: how did a bucket fit your fat ass

Cas: don't call my brother fat

Dean: don't tell me what to do

GAYbriel: don't tell Cas to not tell you what to do

TheTallOne: this is confusing

Luci: agreed

Dean: fuck off, lucifer

Cas: be nice to my favorite brother

GAYbriel: Cas I'm still here

Cas: I know

Dean: nobody likes you, Gaybe

GAYbriel: bite me

Cas: dean is not a cannibal why would he bite you

Dean: what if I am a cannibal you don't know everything about me

Cas: that's disturbing...

Dean: I'm kidding

Cas: you are not a kid

Dean: Sam it's your turn to explain

TheTallOne has left

Dean has left

GAYbriel has left

Luci has left

Cas: I'm not that annoying am I

Crowley: yes you are

Cas has left the chat

Crowley: RUDE

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