Bitter-Sweet Beginnings

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Many years have passed since that night, that horrible night. When I was just a young lad, barely a decade. The night I thought everything should've ended, the night I should've died.

My Family came to this land to seek trade partners for my father's company. This trip he wanted to show us the beauties of a foreign land. Aye we saw beauties, but in the beauties we saw oddities we never thought could exist. Many strange looking people, some who were about my height but much older than my parents, and some who seemed like giants. My brother and I were awestruck and couldn't stop staring, at least until our mother pulled us through the crowds of the city.

We eventually came to an inn, where our father wanted us to stay while he did his business. While he was out, our mother had to care for our baby sister, still too young to walk or even babble basic words, sweet little Ida. Since she couldn't chase after us two boys she allowed us to explore the town. She only gave us one rule, to not step outside the town walls, this was a whole different place than our home land. My brother was always mischievous, finding ways to get into trouble and work around rules. So of course he tried his damnedest to work his way around the one rule. A few days in he found his own little way, we were exploring a small prairie field when he called me over to a small hole in the wall around the town limits. I remember his toothy grin, he had an idea brewing

"Brennan, looky here." he gestured to the hole, "we can see more if we peek out here"

I sighed and shook my head, "Are ye stupid? Ma told us to stay inside the walls, I'm not going to get another lecture because of yer dumb ideas"

He chuckled and shook his finger, a dumb habit he had to show he thought he was going to outsmart something, "Oh little brother, you aren't thinking right and only half listened like usually. She said to not set foot outside the wall. so we simply have to crawl until only our feet are still inside."

"First of all, we're twins Liam, stop calling me little brother. Second, you know well what she meant. I'm sure we'll see more of the land when Da's finished."

"Aw c'mon where's your sense of fun?" Doing his own thing as usual he crawled through the hole and waited for a minute before crawling back out.

"So? Everything you dreamed it'd be?"

"There's only a forest out there, nothing else."

"Aye, but I could've told you that meself." I pointed up showing the tops of the trees.

He looked up to wear I was pointing, "Well there could've been something more, but oh well you gotta chase curiosity." he gave his toothy smile again trying to prove himself right

"Let's go back, I'm hungry now"

"Yer always hungry fatty"

"Maybe, but I'll get first pick at the food, you being slower than crippled snail." I took off and he chased after me until we reached the inn. A couple more days passed and I was woken up by my parents asking where Liam was. He had left in the middle of the night, no sign of where he could've gone. I told them about the hole we found and they told me to stay and keep and eye on Ida. I obeyed as they left some money for food while I waited. Hours pass and I just looked around the bar room at the people there. There were those who worked at the docks and in town who came to drink. Some who seemed like strangers compared to the rest, with weapons on their hips or backs or in strange clothing. I watched Ida and played with her as we waited. I vowed to do everything I can her safe. If Liam is gone, she'd be the only sibling I have left. 

The sun had set and my parents returned without Liam. My mother had tears in her eyes as my father tried comforting her. She took Ida as she cried, my father turned to me saying there was no sign of him at all.

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