The First of Many

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He offered to let me travel with him at least until we find my family, at first I hesitated, not knowing him and all. But I also had little choice, I was too young to do much on my own and I had no one else. I nodded in agreement, I couldn't form any words at the time. How could I? My family, all dead, they were all breathing just seconds ago.

I sat on the ground and stared at the ashes for what felt like hours. Eventually the man put his hand on my shoulder, I looked up to him, "Kid, it's time we moved on." I saw he had gathered stuff from around the raided village while I mourned. I nodded in response but decided to try and gather some of their ashes, but like a sick joke, the wind blew it away as I began to gather it.

I stood still in disbelief and grief for another minute. Until something came over me to follow this mysterious man, so I did, I walked behind him out of the town. We approached the edge of the town and I looked back, the square seemed so far away now. Right as we got out of the town the man turned and walked along the town wall to the forest. I started to slow down as I followed him, unsure of what he wanted to do. He whistled, and I began to back away thinking the worst.

Instead of threatening figures, it was a light brown horse, with a saddle, saddlebags, and some wrapped up items strapped to it. I exhaled in relief, I wasn't sure if I could handle anything else. I approach the horse and look to the man, he seemed to understand and nodded. As he did I reached out and touched the horse's snout. 

For once that day, I felt calm. I guess hopeful. The sun started to rise, dawning a new day, which was hard to think of since what happened seemed so recent and I only felt I mourned for a few minutes. I tried to push those thoughts away and stroked the horse's snout "What's its name?" I asked the man, the first time I spoke to him. 

He smiled and replied, "I just got 'im. He's usually a handful, even for a stallion. Never really had a chance to give him a name yet." He knelt beside me as I stoked the horse's snout, as he did he removed his mask under his chin and pulled down his hood. I didn't fully expect what i saw but it was comforting to see his face. 

His eyes were a much deeper green in the new light, almost like an emerald. He had pointed ears, well did, the right was still pointed but the other seemed to be sliced off at the top. Almost matching where his cut ear was, was a scar across his cheek ending right under his nose. His skin was tanned from being out so much. And his hair was light brown and shaved on the side, but longer on top while being tied up in the back. "I may not have a name for him, but I do have my own." He reached out his hand for me to shake, "I'm Rikas."

I hesitated before I reached out with my other hand as I shook his, "I-I'm B-Brennan." It was then I realized I was still shaken by what happened today, but at least I could speak. I released his hand, pulling it back to me quickly. "Wha-what are you?" 

He chuckled and rested his hand on his knee, "I'm a half-elf, guess you've never seen us, or hell normal elves before." He stood up and started to tighten straps on the saddle, "Listen I know you've just been through a lot, but we should probably start moving. If you want, I'll give you a boost onto him." He motioned his head towards his steed. I nodded and he helped me onto the horse. "If you need sleep go ahead and do so, it'll help the trip pass for you."

I wanted to say something protesting sleep, but I was much more tired than I expected. I almost immediately drifted to sleep. I don't know how long I slept, but I doubt I ever have or will sleep for as long as I did.

Eventually I was woken to Rikas shaking me awake, "Hey, kid. We're here" I looked up to see another town, we were at the stables just outside. It looked like the town I was at before, but there was no harbor so it seemed less crowded. The town buildings were smaller and seemed more like houses than market buildings, there were also mostly humans and looked  like they were mostly peasants or common folk. In general much smaller and less impressive, I learned later most towns/villages would be this way.

I sat up a bit on the horse and looked at him, "Is... is this going to be attacked too?" I said this in a shaky voice, the attack from earlier still fresh in my mind. I looked back to the road behind us and to the village again and again, thinking I'd see something to cause trouble.

Rikas sighed and brushed the horse's neck seeming to be annoyed, yet understanding in a sort of way. "That whole raiding party's dead kid, remember? You killed the last one on me." He points to a few bruises on his face, from that greenpig I stabbed. "Besides, this town's not rich with loot like the last one. Most valuable thing here is alcohol,  and those orcs prefer their own brew."

I nodded, pretending to understand and we entered the town. He immediately headed towards What looked like an inn, but it was much smaller than the one before. He told me to wait at a table as he talked to someone. I waited and watched as he went to talk to the inn keeper, as they talked he kept either looking at or motioning towards me. He walked back after a minute or so and looked disappointed or even frustrated, it's hard to remember. He sat and looked to me and sighed, "Look kid, I asked where the closest orphanage was."

I looked down as he said that, still grasping at the thought I am now an orphan, "A-and what did he say?" I didn't look at Rikas as we talked.

"Well... the closest one is around 4 weeks travel on horseback. Through one of the most dangerous areas around here." He sat in silence for a few seconds, then spoke up again, "So, I'll give you a choice. We could try and make the trek but before that  I'll need to teach you to defend yourself, it being a dangerous trip. Or, you could travel with me, I could train you to not only survive, but thrive out here."

I looked up as he said the second part, "What do you mean train me?" I sit up a bit, "Why would you anyways? You barely know me."

He looked to the side as he spoke next, "I'm not completely sure, but I see a lot of potential in you. When you killed that orc, you could've ran and avoided it all together like almost everyone else. But you charged forward and took 'im on. There are very few of my guild left, some see us as too dangerous or obsolete. That is until they need us. That's why I'm offering this chance to you." He reached out his hand to shake again, as if trying to close a deal. For a minute, I just looked at it.

The next day, my ranger training started.

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